Comparative Essay Example: American Values vs. Norwegian Values

📌Category: Culture
📌Words: 840
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 22 July 2022

What is a typical American? Can an entire country have a shared set of beliefs and values? In this text I will try to introduce some of the pillars American society is built upon and the differences between those and Norwegian values. I will also voice my opinion on the subject at the end. 

What are American values

The one value the American people hold the highest is individualism. They are devoted to the belief that they are separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations and destinies. They hold the power to their own future. Compared to other countries they do not heavily identify themselves with their own communities, religious groups, or families. This does not mean they do not value them highly, they are simply not a big part of their outgoing personalities (PSU, 2022). 

When individuality is the foundation of your society, a fair number of other values develop over time. Americans highly respect individual accomplishments, not those given to you, but ones earned through hard work and determination. Race, sex, religion, or age should not determine your success. Therefore, Americans see themselves as an egalitarian society. Due to the focus on hard work, time management is of the upmost importance. Americans do not like to waste their time, which often can go at the expense of personal relationships. You have to put in more hours honing in on your craft than the next man. Competition is often valued over cooperation (BU, n.d). All these values are vital to succeed in the capitalistic America. 

Foreigners often perceive Americans to be shockingly open and honest. Formal speech is seen as arrogant, so American speech is informal, but being proper, looking them in their eyes and having a firm handshake is still important to be respected (BU, n.d). 

Norwegian values

Just as The United States, Norway values individualism. In fact, Norway polled the highest in all of Europe when asked how highly they valued individualism (Amundsen, 2017). But the way Norway views individuality differs slightly from the Americans. It is important to be your own person and have your own experiences. Being informed and finding yourself is your responsibility. In America individualism is for your own success and status, in Norway individualism is becoming a better and more formed member of society.  

Norway is a liberal and accepting country, as respecting homosexuality is an especially important and fundamental value. Norway came first in the polls for tolerance, respect for others and helpfulness (Amundsen, 2017). But when asked how highly they valued hard work, Norway came last in all of Europe. 

Norwegians are a very reserved people in comparison with Americans. There are several unwritten rules about etiquette you need to follow to be accepted. You give people their personal space, you do not engage in conversation on public transport, you do not talk loudly, do not think too highly of yourself, and many more. 

Personal opinions

Having been born and raised in Norway, I can only observe and guess how it is to live in America. Even though I don’t recognize todays America in the values mentioned previously, I can see how it evolved from that. During its forming years America was supposed to be a representative for the new world, a better brighter future for all, where everybody was equal, and all had an opportunity to make something of themselves. These values represent that young nation´s hope and determination to become great. All those values and hopes culminated into the American dream. 

But as I watch the news and see pictures of what America has become, I wonder as to what went wrong. In my opinion the focus on individual success and building these huge corporations is at fault. By the rich neglecting the history of how their wealth was built and acting as their morality is not corrupted. America’s history of systematic racism against the minorities who helped build the country. The increasing polarization of the country, democrats vs republicans, poor vs rich, blacks vs whites. 

I don’t think The United States of America is a lost cause. I simply don’t think that they can act as these values portray them anymore. Every American is instilled with these values as a child, yet they willfully go against them daily. And this isn’t just a national problem. With the current globalization of American culture, it influences the entire world. All countries look to America with these morals in mind but are confused as to why they don’t recognize them. 

And I’m in no way implying that Norway is a perfect democracy upholding every moral value but being the biggest global power in the world comes with responsibility. American politics is global politics. American economy is global economy. American values are global values. I believe that if America can “fix” itself so can the world. 


Both Norway and the U.S. are egalitarian societies. And they both value individualism highly, but in different ways. In America it is valued to be a sacrificing hard-working individual, while in Norway it is important to be informed and know yourself as an individual. While Americans tend to be more outgoing than Norwegians, Norwegian society is in general more including and helpful. From a personal standpoint I do not think these values represent the current America, but an idea of what once was. 


Unknown. (2022). American Values and assumptions. University of Portland. 

Unknown. (n.d). Values in American culture. Boston University. 

Amundsen, Bård. (2017). Disse verdiene er nordmenn mest opptatt av.

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