Business Etiquette Rules for Russia

📌Category: Business, Culture, Russia, Traditions, World
📌Words: 346
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 May 2021

Russia's dress codes are very restrictive both inside and outside of the workplace. Men and women should both wear business suits. Women are supposed to wear skirts rather than trousers. Her skirt should be long enough to reach her knees. Only darker colors, such as brown or black, should be worn. Shoes should be well-polished and suitable for the occasion. When conducting business, always maintain constructive body language. Showing the soles of your shoes and putting your hands in your pockets are considered unprofessional in Russia. 

It is important to plan ahead of time when holding a meeting in Russia. These business meetings are usually held only in Russia's wealthier regions. When attending a conference, it is important to arrive earlier than the scheduled time. They put a high emphasis on patience during these meetings, so they are known to last a long time. There is little or no verbal or physical input when engaging in these meetings. 

Both verbal and nonverbal contact in Russia is similar to and distinct from that in the United States. They prefer face-to-face meetings in which they can hear and clarify the situation in person. When greeting another, it is customary to extend a firm, secure handshake while keeping eye contact. This is popular in the United States and may show respect for another individual. When it comes to handshakes, Russia has certain rules and variations. They remove their gloves before shaking each other's hands, regardless of the weather, to show respect. They also have superstitions, such as not shaking anyone's hand through a door or over a threshold. Women in Russia traditionally greet people by kissing them three times on the cheek, alternating sides.  

When hosting guests in Russia, it is customary to place a large amount of food on the table to prove abundance. If you are the one who is invited, you must always arrive before the scheduled time. Formal table manners are still enforced, and it can be considered impolite to refuse any type of food or drink that is presented to you. If you are unable to finish your meal, that is good because leaving a small amount of leftover food on your plate honors the host by showing that you have eaten well.

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