Climate Change As A Factor Essay Example

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 471
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 September 2021

We would still be facing a global water crisis with just pollution and overuse, but Climate change is another factor pushing it. Climate scientists have been concluding that an extensive effect of climate change is on the water cycle. Climate change is making our planet more susceptible to extreme weather patterns such as extreme rains and droughts that come with consequences. Droughts cause wildfires, extreme heat, dust storms, low air and water quality, and drinking water shortages. Extreme rain affects flooding, property damage, mold contamination, and health problems such as upper respiratory issues. Additionally, intense rainstorms lead to excessive runoff into bodies or water which decreases soil absorption for groundwater. 

Also, rising temperatures are melting glaciers and limiting snowfall. Mountain glaciers and snowfall are critical sources of freshwater, but cannot be restored once melted. Once the time comes, areas that depended on glaciers for water will need to seek other resources. Mountain snow is meant to melt slowly and into lakes, rivers, and reservoirs through runoff. Rising temperatures will disrupt the water cycle and end up with excess runoff that cannot be stored and overwhelm soil moisture. This will cause meltwater to become scarce, especially in the summer. Insufficient water supplies will affect the health of people in towns and cities, agriculture, and ecosystems. 

The leading cause of climate change is greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere caused by emissions from fossil fuels from our energy and transportation industries. Other causes include intensive agriculture, deforestation, and industrial waste. To help solve the global water crisis, we also need to take preventative measures towards climate change.

Solutions and Conclusion

One of the first things we can do to solve our global water crisis is to educate people on how they can conserve water at home. Anyone can make a change with their lifestyle, from taking shorter showers to being mindful when using a sprinkler system. We can also become more self-sufficient by recycling wastewater instead of collecting it in sewers or dumping it into bodies of water. Innovation is needed to find new technologies to conserve water. The agriculture industry can help by improving irrigation systems and stress sustainability over efficiency when producing food. Another alternative source of water could be converting salt water from our oceans into freshwater. We can also install regulations for gas and oil companies to eliminate spills, dumping, and lessen emissions. Forests, wetlands, and aquifers need to be protected to save freshwater.

Climate change is causing Earth’s temperatures to rise and cause extreme weather patterns which are disrupting the water cycle and leading to water shortages. Ways to prevent climate change include switching to renewable resources. Wind and solar power drastically reduce heat-trapping emissions to help mitigate climate change. We can all help by reducing energy use at home, walking or biking instead of driving, eating less meat, and supporting locally sourced or organic farms.

There’s nothing more essential to life than water, and it needs to be treated as so. By conserving water, reducing the harm of pollution on water, and preventing climate change we can work towards solving the global water crisis.

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