Essay Example about Vogelkop

📌Category: Animals, Environment, Science, Zoology
📌Words: 557
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 August 2022

This dancing bird of paradise had been believed to be "Birds of God' or thought to be mythical phoenixes from Europeans from the sixteenth century (Marley). This bird had been told and believed to be majestic creatures as I will be mentioning in this essay whilst we talk about the Vogelkop Superb, while learning about this species of bird, it was discovered that this bird was found in a certain region, what the female and male Vogelkop's look like, and this bird's mating dance. 

This bird had come from a region and can only be found in the western New Guinea (19 Amaze-wing Facts About The Vogelkop For Kids). The Vogelkop Superb is located in Indonesia in the Animalia kingdom. They happen to be the most common to find closer to the mountains and belong to the Aves class. The Vogelkop prefers living alone except for breeding and mating seasons (19 Amaze-wing Facts About The Vogelkop For Kids). This is a fairly recent discovery of birds so not much is known about any more locations for now.

As the article stated, " It is a completely black bird, with electric green breast feathers, and when it performs its dance for the female it looks like a black and blue face."(19 Amaze-wing Facts About The Vogelkop For Kids). The male Vogelkop tend to have a very dark feather color due to the high absorbance of light that is contained within them, females however tend to look different and a smaller and brown which is a large difference then to the male bird. As another site states, "The females look different. Even the shape of the displayed male is different." (Smooth dance moves confirm new bird-of-paradise species).  The female Vogelkop tend to have stripes on their wings or plain brown and have lighter colored chest feathers.

The Vogelkop Superb has a certain mating dance that includes hops and light footwork. This carefully planned dance is about mating selection, the male will put on his performance, however since the females can’t tend to be picky this normally works out (Simons). However this isn’t all, in the male’s dance they change their shape as the article states, “When expanded for courtship display, the Vogelkop male's raised cape creates a completely different appearance—crescent-shaped with pointed tips rather than the oval shape of the widespread form of the species.”(Smooth dance moves confirm new bird-of-paradise species). The Vogelkop Superb’s dance requires skill and precision to be able to attract a mate.

In conclusion, the Vogelkop Superb lives in the western parts of New Guinea and is a recent discovery in the bird kingdom (19 Amaze-wing Facts About The Vogelkop For Kids). The Vogelkop Superb males tend to look different than the females tend to, male Vogelkop bird species have dark feathers, green breast feathers, females however are brown, smaller, and tend to have darker colored wings (19 Amaze-wing Facts About The Vogelkop For Kids). Lastly the male Vogelkop put on mating dance performances that contain hops, spins, and light foot work to be performed for females of their species (Simons). While researching and learning more about this semi-new discovery that happened to be found in a certain region, what the females and male Vogelkop look like and how they are different, and this bird’s mating ritual. These Vogelkop Superb’s impact society and like in tropical areas and can be seen by tourists. This dancing bird of paradise had been believed to be "Birds of God' or thought to be mythical phoenixes from Europeans from the sixteenth century (Marley). These Vogelkop Superb’s population is unknown but nonetheless a mythical bird indeed.

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