Essay Sample on Animal Extinction

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 624
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 24 July 2022

If a human was physically abused or attacked, they’ll often receive help from people around them but what about animals? Each year, more than 100 million animals die in US laboratories, that’s even more than humans that have died in a year! Animals like humans have feelings and are similar to humans in many diverse ways, but they are treated poorly by humans. Humans are also ruining the natural habitats of many animals through climate change, cutting trees, etc, and once an animal is extinct, the ecosystem would be affected. Some animals, pets specifically, can provide mental or physical support for people and are helpful for those who need it. 

Although an animal going extinct may not seem like a big deal for the world at that moment, as time goes on things may get much worse. The change in the ecosystem, rising of infectious diseases in humans and throughout the animal kingdom, change in environment, and much more. Using the extinction of bees, for example, bees pollinate most of the plants and it’s possible of losing all the plants they pollinate if they were gone. Around half of the fruits and vegetables in the supermarket would be lost with the struggle to sustain the global population. If you don’t understand what that means, it means it would be hard for us to survive. To animals, having too many predators and not enough food/prey is not something good. 

Animals like humans have feelings and share many of the same characteristics. It is not fair for some animals to be living in cages their entire lives and serve as test subjects. According to, “Animals are deliberately sickened with toxic chemicals or infected with diseases, live in barren cages, and are typically killed when the experiment ends.” To add on, some pets are abused and forced to do things for money because of their owners. Animals are forced to perform in zoos and aquariums, many are harmed in the process of training. Many would think animals are doing good and are safe in the zoo, but they really aren’t. To be on display, they are forced out of their natural habitats moving to a restricted environment, this can lead them to mental and debilitating health problems. 

“I don’t see anything wrong with those animals? They look just fine, plus it’s too much effort and takes too much time.” Yes, and no. The animals aren’t as good as you look but I do have to agree that it would take too much time and effort. Leaving animals alone may just be a  better idea. They can survive fine without us, they don’t deserve for us to be eaten and worn and serve as test subjects. Detailed research shows that “Although we are dependent on animals, the fact is animals are not dependent on humans for survival.” Animals living in their own natural habitat would probably be the best choice for themself since a habitat mostly meets the environmental conditions an organism needs to survive. 

Animals are like a companion of ours and most can actually help humans in many diverse ways. One example would be service dogs. A service dog is trained to help someone with struggles such as disabilities, mental health, physical health, etc. They can warn someone with anxiety and bring them medication during an anxiety attack or just try to calm them down during an anxiety attack. Referring back to animals in the laboratories, there are some animals within laboratories that are safe and help with the development of medication. Those animals still are injected with medication but they are taken care of and not left to die. 

In conclusion, animals should be protected, many are harmed and killed because of violence from humans. They are here for a reason and should serve their real purposes in this world. Animals are our buddies and show be treated as buddies, them going extinct isn’t a good thing for the ecosystem or really us. Animals have feelings and we shouldn’t treat them as a servant of ours.

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