Waste To Energy Plants Essay Example

📌Category: Energy, Environment
📌Words: 233
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 23 July 2022

We should install waste to energy plants all over the earth. Waste to energy plants convert municipal and industrial solid waste into electricity for industrial processing. 

Waste to energy plants do not pollute the earth, the facilities avoid the production of methane while producing almost ten times more electricity from each ton of waste. When the waste is burned down, the smoke gets filtered out into the world and the ash left behind is dumped into special water where it does not get in contact with the ocean water. Therefore, the coral reefs will not die, the animals will still be around, and the ocean water won't be contaminated. 

These facilities convert waste that would be buried in landfills and would pollute the earth to energy. This is one of the best advantages of waste to energy plants, Garbage is burned at waste to energy facilities, producing steam to generate electricity or to heat buildings. In 2020, 65 U.S. power plants generated more than 13 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity by burning 25 million tons of garbage. 

Converting waste to energy sufficiently reduces the amount of waste entering landfills, which reduces greenhouse gasses. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, waste-to-energy plants reduced the volume of waste by about 87%, burning 2000 pounds of garbage.  

In conclusion, the use of waste to energy facilities has proven to be the most efficient way to manage municipal waste. These facilities reduce greenhouse gasses while providing energy, as well as decreasing our dependence on fossil fuel for electricity.

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