Pros and Cons of Sunlight Essay Example

📌Category: Environment
📌Words: 397
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Imagine a world without sunlight. Dark, cold, and not very welcoming. The human race, most animals, and plants all need sunlight to live and thrive, however, sunlight has numerous effects that could be considered good or bad, such as relation to blood, someone's mood, and the greater risk of developing cancer. One question as follows: Is the sun a friend or foe? 

Although the idea of the sun affecting one's blood sounds bad, it has a surprisingly positive effect. Sunlight can help lower the risk and number of heart attacks/strokes that occur. According to "Sensational Sunlight" by Dawson Novo, "There is a compound that releases in blood vessels when people are exposed to sunlight. This compound lowers blood pressure. Additionally, nitric oxide increases after sun exposure. This lowers the risk of stroke or heart attack." As Dawson Novo explains the science behind the relationship between heart attacks and strokes and sunlight, one can learn that sunlight only brings benefits to this part of the body. 

Furthermore, a person's mood can be affected by the sunlight or lack of sunlight. When there is less sun, a large population may feel more depressed than usual. According to "Sensational Sunlight" by Dawson Novo, "The lack of sun is often related to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Several studies have found that sunlight changes moods due to the exposure of vitamin D." Again, the science and research only prove this point even more. Humans need vitamin D and sunlight to keep a good mood, which can affect their performance at work and other places. However, though sunlight has many positive effects, it can also greaten the risk of developing cancer. According to "Sun Exposure" by Matt Hardy, "This risk comes from UVA (ultraviolet A rays) and UVB (ultraviolet B rays)-both types can cause skin damage and cancer. The UVA rays, however, penetrate deeper into the skin than the UVB rays. If someone spends an entire lie being exposes to too much sun, the possibility of developing cancer increases." As this part of the passage expands on how the sunlight plays a big role in developing cancer, one can tell that the UV rays from sunlight is a negative thing in some cases.

So, is sunlight a friend or foe? Well, it certainly has its pros and cons. For now, until scientists find new and more advanced information on sunlight, it can be both. Humans should make sure to absorb as much sunlight as needed, but also watch out for its effects. A world without sunlight would be a world no one would want to live in.

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