The Canadian Water Reserve Crisis Essay Sample

📌Category: Canada, Environment, World
📌Words: 789
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 June 2022

Everyday, there is clean water. When turning on the tap there is never a need to be worried about possible infection from the water. There never is a need to be worried that the water will be brown and murky. Unfortunately this is not the case for all individuals living in canada. Some who may just live 10 minutes away. This is what is known as the “Canadian Reserve Water Crisis.” and is one of the main issues facing Canada today. Many people do not have clean water because of this issue. However, we will go into the further later. This essay will discuss The Canadian Water Reserve Crisis including what is The Canadian Water Reserve Crisis, the problems the water causes, and how we can work to solve this problem. Before we get into these grand topics let us look at the history behind this issue

All across Canada, thousands of Canadians do not have access to clean water. For as long as time, First nations have been discriminated against; although being the first people to live  in Canada. Starting with the horrible residential schools, and now the water crisis. Many report the water from the taps to be brown and murky. So bad to the point where the water can only be drank if boiled. In some cases, water cannot be used at all. In these cases, people need to relay on bottled water, which can all become very expensive. No one deserves to live like this. One of the basic human needs is water, we would be dead without it. Canada is one of the places in the world known for their fresh clean water, so why are these millions of First Nations not being given the human right of clean water? To summarize, the Water Issue is a big issue that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. 

As bad as the water is what are the actual effects of the water? There are multiple reports that if you did not boil the water you would get sick. “You would have flu-like symptoms and have diarrhea and vomiting from drinking the water.” (Dunstan, 53) In the media there is little to no research done about just how many people have passed away because of the water. This could possibly indicate the neglect of this issue from the media and the governement. Seeing as in other countries where there is unhealthy water, there is many deaths. By drinking unhealthy water, you can obtain diseases such as, polio, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid. These diseases are known to kill people if left untreated and even with treatment may kill someone. This is all from just drinking the water coming from your tap. Imagine drinking the water you expect to be clean, and sanitary then end up dying. That is just crazy!  Overall, it is truly crazy how people in Canada and truly anywhere in the world are dying from something so necessary for human survival.

Now keeping in mind everything discussed It would make sense for there to be some points to try to help prevent and stop this issue but, no. Justin Trudeau has made multiple statements saying he would try to prevent and help this issue but has not made one change. So maybe we can’t stop this issue? See that is also incorrect. All there needs to be done is to put more treatment plants. The plants are outdated and need to be fixed to store healthy water for these community’s. Many before have made propositions and ideas to help fix this issue but, it has been too “expensive”. This is hard to believe seeing that Canada is not only one of the richest countries in the word and not to mention not in poverty at all, but has one of the biggest sources of clean water. Water is one of you necessity’s, there is not a price on it. There should never be “It is too expensive” for clean fresh water. It is a basic human need. 

After stating what the water crisis is, the effects of it and how we can solve this issue, It is important to only understand this is just the surface. There is much more information that is hidden far away from media converge, voices needed to be heard. The water crisis is an issue that has been going on for over 20 years. A issue that is refusing to be acknowledged. It makes people have horrible illnesses such as E Coli, and, Polio and, has been said to give kids skin issues. While the government sits back and watches this happen without batting a eye. They watch these issues happen with no worry in the world. There is ways to solve this but, first we need to get the expectance. So, next time there is clean running water in your house, think back to this. This about the Thousands of canadines who don’t get that privilege. Some who may live just 10 minutes away. The Canadians who get sick based on the governments neglect, speak up.

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