Importance of Mencius in Chinese History Essay Example

📌Category: Asia, Philosophers, Philosophical Concept, Philosophy, World
📌Words: 330
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 June 2021

A long long time ago there was a man named Mencius. He was born in China in 372 BC. He also was a Chinese Confucian philosopher.

One reason he was important to China because of his main concepts. Another reason he was important to China was because of his teachings.

Mencius was born (made) in China in 372 BC. His father died when he was young and his mother had to take care of him all alone. He was a Chinese philosopher that kept traveled place to place. Later in his life, his mother had passed away. Soon after he was disappointed in himself for not being able to change the world.

One reason he was important is because of his main concepts. One of these concepts is human nature concept. It explains how he thinks humans are born good but society lacks positive influence and that's what causes them to be bad. For example, text A states "Mencius asserted the innate goodness of the individual, believing that it was society's influence – its lack of a positive cultivating influence – that caused bad moral character." This quote shows Mencius's thoughts on human beings. Another one of these concepts is the destiny concept which explains that destiny could shape your path. For example, text A states "Mencius also believed in the power of Destiny in shaping the roles of human beings in society."

Another reason Mencius was important to China is because of his teachings. One reason is because he taught many people philosophy. For example, text B states "he set up his own school of philosophy where he taught Confucian precepts based on what would become known as the Four Books and Five Classics" This quote is important because it shows what Mencius taught. Another reason is because he mostly focused on improving his students. For example, in text B is states "Mencius' school focused on the moral improvement of his students and this included a thorough education in politics and what constituted an effective ruler." This quote matters because if he focused on his students improving, they would probably pass and make China a better place.

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