Plastic Pollution Problem Essay Example

📌Category: Environment, Pollution
📌Words: 271
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 01 September 2021

Pollution is a modern problem with a huge impact on the economy and the health of residents. Plastic products are an important factor of increasing pollution. The plastic bags are the most frequently used plastic objects and for this reason are a major cause of pollution. Should we ban those products ans as a result decrease the pollution or not ?

On the one hand some people believe plastic bags are a huge problem of pollution. For this reason they believe that those bags should be banned. eight million tons of plastic waste in the end of every year according to the United Nation. One way to solve the problem it to replace plastic with organic products. Organic products are environmentally-friendly  and biodegratable. This means the use of extra plastic will be elliminated. Moreover an extra fee for plastic bags can be a sollution. For example Ireland added a fee for plastic bags and the use of them decreased from 2002 to 2019 more tha the half of the half.

On the other hand other express their opinion that banning plastic bags does not affect the pollution. They believe industries is the mainstream of the problem. The plastic bags should not be banned but industries should. Furthermore, an economist named Janet Gomez said that " plastic bags fees hurt poor peoble " . We can agree with his words, a fee on daily used products can affect the economy. For this reason a fee is not an effective sollution.

All in all in my opinion we should protect our planet with the two simple steps. The restoration of plastic by organic biodegradable products and the decreasion of plastic objects. If we follow those steps a pig part of the pollution will be solved.

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