Essay Sample on Global Warming and Climate Change

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment, Global Warming
📌Words: 504
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 July 2022

Have you ever wondered what greenhouse gasses are and how they affect us? Global warming is when the earth’s atmosphere heats up mainly due to the greenhouse effect. This essay will tell you about how global warming affects our everyday lives, what are some causes of global warming, how we can help to stop the spread of global warming, and how global warming will affect us and other forms of life in the future. This essay will be about global warming and greenhouse gasses.

First, how does global warming affect our everyday lives? Global warming is heating up the earth causing droughts and more dangerous weather such as hurricanes and it will cause food prices to rise due to this. The weather system of the earth is messed up and in recent years there seems to be a rise of hurricanes, tornadoes and much more. This change causes many places to be flooded or a drought will hit the area. The world corn production has dropped 4%. It might not seem like a lot but it can cause corn prices to rise up to 25%.

Second, what are some causes of global warming? Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. It is the process by which the gasses in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun in the earth. The reason why it is called the greenhouse effect is because the gasses in the atmosphere act like the glass in the greenhouse to keep the plants warm. One of the main gasses responsible for the greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide. 

Also, how we can help to stop the spread of global warming. You could recycle household waste. Keep your tires inflated to reduce the amount of gas used. Grow and compost your own vegetables. Stop using coal and try to live a cleaner life recycling plastic. Try walking or biking to places instead of driving there.

Lastly, how will global warming affect us and other forms of life in the future? The ice caps are melting because of global warming. As a result the sea levels will rise and it might flood cities near the sea. It may also kill many plants and animals that require the sea to live in. Because of global warming it is heating up the ocean. The oceans are the earth's largest carbon holders holding tons of carbon dioxide. Cold ocean water holds carbon dioxide better than warm but the earth is warming up quickly and so are the oceans. The ocean is a very important ecosystem to our survival and many fish and other species can die off due to the rise of temperature in the oceans. Coral reefs have a lot of different life forms and the rise of temperature in the ocean can kill them. Many farmers are seeing a reduction in food that is produced with many plants dying off before maturity.

In conclusion, we talked about how global warming affects our everyday lives, what are some causes of global warming, how we can help to stop the spread of global warming, and how global warming would affect us and other forms of life in the future.

Flannery, T., & Walker, S. M. (2010). We are the weather makers: The history of climate change. Candlewick Press (MA).

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