Why Puppy Mills Should Be Illegal Essay Example

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Environment, Social Issues
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 April 2021

Have you ever seen an ad or commercial with puppies in it? Chances are that 90% of the dogs you see are from a puppy mill. This place is where female dogs are forced to produce until they are ancient and sick. Each mother produces two litters a year with no time to recover in-between. These harsh living conditions can bleed into your family life, take homes away from healthy dogs, and lead to a disease-filled life for your puppy. 

My first point was family life. As it tells us in ethical pet ownership, by at issues, Most dogs stay with their mother until they are around 8-10 weeks old. Dogs who have torn away from their mothers at a very early age, like most puppies are at puppy mills, often have life-long anxiety, stress, and severe behavioral problems, such as biting, growling, and much, more. Which can lead to your family skipping activities, and trips because of your puppy's fear of being left alone. Also, as you know frequent vet trips, surgeries, and sometimes therapy is not cheap. And by frequent, I do not mean once every six months, more like once a month or less. If families can not handle the pressure they leave their dog at animal shelters, or sometimes on the street. This leads me to my second point. 

With two million dogs being produced at puppy mills a year, shelters are overflowing and fewer and fewer families are available for adopting a pet. My parents adopted a dog that was about to be killed because there was no one available to adopt him.  Dogs were coming in quickly and there went no cadges available for him anymore. Lucky we got there just in time. this leads to hundreds of dogs put down for no reason except that there is no room for them. Six hundred thousand dogs a year die for that reason. 

And finally, my last point, health. We have a neighbor down the street who adopted a puppy mill dog, and she many, many health problems, including tumors and back problems. Animals in mills are treated like cash crops; Small living conditions, harsh chemicals, and starvation. From birth, these puppies are fighting for life. Some dogs rescued from a mill don't even know how to sleep lying down, because of the small cages they were used to. Due to the lack of vets or groomers being hired dogs have to suffer through broken bones, rotting teeth, and matted fur. Some people may disagree with my view on puppy mills. Some people might say that it's providing a cheaper option to families. And so there are more families available to adopt a pet. But as you know that is not my viewpoint, because of the abuse and horrible mistreatment these animals put up with. 

After listening to this speech, I hope you will agree with me that puppy mills should be illegal. Not only for your puppy's health, but your family, and your local shelter.

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