Essay Sample on Wildlife Conservation

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 805
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 July 2022

Wildlife conservation is the proactive preservation of wild “fauna” or animals species and their habitats in order to prevent extinction. The planet earth could be looked at as a very giant clock with its gears and springs represented by its flora and fauna. And just like a clock wouldn’t function without its gears and springs the earth also would crumble without its flora and fauna, as the impact both of these organisms have on maintaining the structure and function of the planet can not be understated, with the flora playing part in regulating the contents of the atmosphere such as producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide and creating habitats for animals, thereby allowing for life to flourish in the form of the fauna that play a critical role in shaping terrain and spreading flora throughout the planet. So it would stand to reason that the further survival of humans on this planet depends on the continual existence of flora and fauna. And for that reason more people should care about wildlife conservation.

Firstly, Fauna is a major player in floral distribution. Plants do not possess the capability for movement as they have to be rotted to the ground in order to get sufficient nutrients, therefore if a certain planet species is to spread it can not do it on its own it requires the help of an outside agent, and that is the  role most animals play. In a study done by Abernethy et al. (2021) on the effects of overhunting in central african rainforests, it has been deduced that hunting of megafauna species such as gorillas, elephants, buffalo, and hippos which serve as keystone species and ecological engineers, establishing diverse ecosystems. sparkes conflict with the predators that preyed upon these animals, this leads them towards hunting smaller creatures therefore reducing their population significantly, as both megafauna and predators numbers dwindle the number of smaller creatures such as rats and other seed predators rises, the increase in seed predators directly affects the the dispersal of seeds, this will lead to loss of plant species and will increase competition between animals leading to the loss of animals species as well.

Secondly, Endangered species of animals can be used as promotions to motivate people to look after the environment and become more eco-conscious. The planet earth is becoming less habitable by the day due to our lack of eco-conscious “preindustrial level of 280 ppm to 407 ppm in 2017. Oceans have become 30% more acidic when compared to 1985. Humanity has eroded marine wilderness.” (Shivanna, 2020, p. 103) , humanity has now reached a point where there destructive actions are becoming irreversible and their effects unavoidable and we can see these destructive effects laid bear in how climate change contributed to the general lack of available resources needed to sustain the growing human population “According to one estimate, increase in global mean temperature by 1°C would, on average, reduce global yields of wheat by 6.0%, rice by 3.2%, maize by 7.4%, and soybean by 3.1%” (Shivanna, 2020, p. 104) , but that doesn’t mean that the planet is unsalvageable far from it, if people start taking action and realize how their action harm the environment around them we could prevent things from getting worse. One of the ways we can get people to become more eco-conscious is by showing them how their destructive actions harm the species around them, as most people are sympathetic towards animals and seeing their plight because of us would encourage them to start working towards a better environment for these species to survive in which will in turn lead to a healthier ecosystem. As most of the things that threaten a species like habitat loss and depletion of nutrients are caused by the same agents that contribute to climate change, if we eliminate these factors we can halt the continued advancement of climate change and other destructive forces that humanity is responsible for.

Finally, Wildlife is a major driverg for some countries' economies. The natural life can be exploited for profit. Food, medicine, lumber, fibres, and other wild plant items have economic value, while wild animal goods such as meat, medicines, hide, ivory, lac, silk, and other things have enormous economic value. Wildlife provides us with the raw materials we need to launch any industry, factory, or other source of income. Wildlife is also regarded as one of the most important factors in the expansion and improvement of global trade and national prosperity. It also benefits farmers the most by improving ploughing and other farming operations.

To conclude, We as humans are responsible for the health of this planet, and we should be aware of our actions and how they affect the ecosystem that surrounds us, we can only do this by taking an active effort in conserving vulnerable or endangered species of animals that inhabit this planet, by realizing sooner than later that over hunting animals that are a part of a delicate balance will cause a disturbance in that balance leading to the loss of plant species and the loss of crops or the advancement of climate, and start focusing on raising people’s awareness about the delicate situation our planet is going through humanity can flourish for generations to comeю

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