Ways To Reduce Pollution Essay Example

📌Category: Environment, Pollution
📌Words: 409
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

In order to keep a healthy and clean neighborhood, we must prevent pollution. Pollution such as air and water pollution can affect living things. Here are some ways to reduce pollution around your neighborhood.

The first way to start reducing pollution is by cleaning up rubbish. It does sound boring, so a fun way to do it is by having a gotong - royong with your neighbors. Not only would cleaning be 10 times faster, but the bond between you and your neighbor would also be closer and stronger. A few ways to do gotong - royong is by cleaning rubbish in the drain to prevent disease such as dengue and planting more trees. By planting trees, we can increase the oxygen in our neighborhood, making us breathe cleaner air and prevent air pollution. 

Open burning is also the cause of pollution. Based on research, toxic gasses such as methane are released during an open fire. This causes respiratory problems to people, especially the elders. An easy way to prevent this is by spreading information about the bad effects of open burning. In this way, people would get to understand about it more and proceed to not do anymore open burnings. We can spread it by handing out pamphlets or through social media posts.

People who have a bad habit of littering everywhere such as at the side of the road and in the river should be punished. Therefore, a thing that the authorities should do is by imposing hefty fines. This step should be done to stop people from throwing rubbish everywhere. This will also make them start to throw rubbish properly into a trash can that has been provided in order to prevent them from getting fined. 

We can also practice recycling. This activity helps us to prevent pollution too by reducing the need to collect new raw materials. We can recycle by organizing recyclable items like newspaper, aluminum, glass and more. We then drop them off to the recycling station in order for the manufacturer to collect them and make them into new items.

The last way is to buy second hand items from bazaars. Second hand items are cheaper since they're used, but that doesn't mean the quality is bad. Some of the qualities are even as good as new. Moreover, it's affordable and saves us more money. We can also sell our own second hand items. One example is old clothes. Instead of throwing them away, we sell them at a reasonable price. 

In conclusion, they're many ways to reduce pollution in our neighborhood. If we work together to do these steps, we can ensure a better lifestyle.

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