The Benefits of Bird Feeding Essay Example

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 361
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Have you ever thought that feeding birds can have a big impact on them? When you feed the birds it can benefit them because it provides them a place to rest and eat but is also harmful to them because the birds don't get good nutrition. The purpose of this essay is to explain how feeding birds impact them in both positive and negative ways.

So what benefits the birds when they get food from these sights? The passage, For the Birds states, ”These can provide good nesting sites, winter shelter, places to hide from predators, and natural food supplies that are available year-round” At these sights, they get food it keeps them from predators allowing them to stay alive, providing food for these birds makes it easy for them to survive without having to put themselves in danger with predators or fighting for the same food. The article, Stop Feeding Wild Birds says, “Artificial feeding attracts birds in large numbers and encourages them to linger at the sites…” When the birds are at these sights they don't have to worry about not having enough food to get by with, people will always be there providing food, so they don't have to fight for it out in the wild, although they might have to fight for it in the sights the “losing” bird will still get food in the end from the other visitors.

When the birds get this food and learn where the sights are how does it affect their health? The article, Stop Feeding Birds says, “At artificial feeding sites, many birds have been found to suffer from diseases and poor nutrition.” When the birds get food like crackers and bread it affects their health and makes them very sick, instead, you can feed them bird seeds. The text, For the Birds states, “If too many birds at your feeder become a problem, you can control their numbers by putting out smaller amounts of seed or by using specialty seeds or restrictive feeders that will attract only certain species.” This is the right way to feed birds, the seeds have nutrition keeping the birds thriving.

For these reasons, there can be many different effects to people feeding birds such as them being able to rest and eat but there are cons like them not getting the nutrition they need.

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