Advantages and Disdvantages of Using Recycled Water Essay Example

📌Category: Ecology, Environment, Environment problems
📌Words: 375
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 September 2021

To begin with, an advantage of using recycled water is that it uses less waste which is better for the environment. By recycling sewage water, it can be used again for many different purposes, making more water for everyone without wasting it.  Recycling water takes the wastewater and recycles the water to be used again instead of the wastewater going straight to rivers and seas, harming the marine life. However, recycling water can benefit Australia as it’s the driest continent in the world. According to, Australia is getting hotter and more dehydrated, causing more drought across the country unless recycled water starts being used to change the country.  Instead of having people in dry and rural areas struggling to drink and supply clean water for themselves, their families, and their animals, they will be able to use recycled water.  But by recycling water, the water won’t go to waste because it can be reused. 

Secondly, another advantage of recycling water is that its more sustainable. The benefits of water recycling are that less water is taken from external water sources, and pollution is reduced. The wastewater that goes into the sea causes pollution in the ocean and disrupts marine animals. Referring to the Natural Resources Defense Council, about 80 percent of sewage gets dumped into the sea.  The ocean receives pollution even more, and the environment will struggle, but by recycling water, the wastewater won’t get dumped into the sea, and the plants will get watered more. More plants can grow using recycled water because there is more water to use, making it more sustainable. 

Although there are many advantages of recycling water, there are also many disadvantages, like how harmful chemicals and toxicants can easily be spread into the recycled water.  Even though the water has been through various machines, it still can have bacteria in the water. Some health risks of consuming recycled water are  Salmonella, Enteroviruses, Protozoa, Helminths, and other digestive problems and viruses.According the World Health Organisation Contaminated recycled water is estimated to cause 485 000  deaths each year. Not only humans can get issues with using recycled water plants can also die from all the toxic substances. Chlorine is the main chemical in recycled water which canbe toxic and kill some plants. Therefore recycling water will be dangerous.

Lastly a disadvantage of using recycled water is how much money it costs to buy all the materials.

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