Essay about Climate Change

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 1012
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 06 September 2021

Climate change and its death toll are upon us. Climate Change is Mother Nature's enemy. Passed down from us to her, just as She passed down Her life to us.  It is a battle She tries to fight back every day, and it's starting to rapidly take her down. We are the only people she can count on to help her, yet we do everything in our power to the contrary. The destruction of trees, the addition of chemicals to our waters and ecosystems, greenhouse gases burning fossil fuels, among other things.As the days pass she's being consumed. “So, what is it that we are going to do?” you may ask. Well, first, we have to understand what climate change is. What it does, what it affects, and who it affects.”

Climate Change, also known as Global Warming, is the rising temperature of the Earth. It has taken a heavy toll on both us and the ecosystem, and as we continue to damage the planet, the worse it becomes. According to the Scientific American website, Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius proposed a scientific theory in 1896. According to him, the more fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) we burn, the more carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, resulting in the "Greenhouse effect", a term that is no stranger in today's world. Fast forward 125 years later, Arrhenius is still correct. Climate change has raised CO² levels in the atmosphere causing Jurassic temperature changes, unexplainable natural disasters, while also killing the lives of many animals, ecosystems, and us. 

Over the past couple of years, climate change has had some of the biggest recorded impacts on millions of animals, insects, rodents, humans, and all other species. Polar Bears, for example, are disappearing and melting away as their natural habitats. The horrible living state of these animals is recorded every day. The desperate tries to find food, shelter, and ice to stand on become even more challenging as the days go by. The horrifying sights of the polar bears' physical appearance, as they starve to death, and the frightful amount of the courageous creatures that are dying every day. The amount of negative effects of climate change has caused concern in society, but concerns a possessive impact is brought to the table.  Between 2016 and 2017, there was an 8% increase in the number of people in the United States who were concerned about climate change. Again in 2020, a study showed that over one-third of North American adults believe that we are not doing enough for our planet. As new technology is brought forth, our knowledge grows as well. We are now able to access all new kinds of information on the effects of climate change and global warming, and what could continue to happen if we do not proceed in action. Climate change without a doubt is a bad thing, but the most important thing is that people understand what climate change is. G. S. Callendar was the only person on the Scientific American website who believed in the effects of greenhouse gases. Many scientific discoveries in climate change would not have occurred if it hadn't been for him and his unwavering belief in the consequences of greenhouse gases. The importance of sharing the information about the temperatures rising on our Earth with the rest of the world is beyond words. Nonetheless, environmental damage continues to occur within the absence of mutual support.

As of 2014, coral, polar bears, and frogs were the species that were most severely impacted by climate change.” Christine Dell'Amore of National Geographic says. Many animals are being forced to adjust to new surroundings as a result of extreme transformation(temperature, disasters, human invasion). Take birds, as an example, who migrate to the south or somewhere warmer when their winter habitat becomes too cold to live in. They relocate, but because spring is arriving sooner in some areas of the world and winter in others, they are having to migrate more frequently and even having to change location throughout the years. However, this is just one example. Frogs are amphibians, which means as adults they need to draw heat from the sun. the more the o-zone opens up the more heat they can draw in which is great for them, nevertheless when they need to lay eggs, they require cold water to do it. As the temperature of the Earth rises, it becomes more difficult for them to reproduce since the number of suitable bodies of water with the correct temperature fades. Frog habitats are also becoming drier and more difficult to find, and more animals are still being severely impacted. Ecosystems are being destroyed due to our greed and we are allowing it to happen, “yet when will we realize we are killing our home too?”

Climate change only becomes worse. We continue to use fossil fuels, we fill our water with trash, and kill the animals that create the ecosystems we rely on. Today “Scientists believe that today's warming is largely caused by people releasing too much carbon into the atmosphere, such as when we extract and burn coal, oil, and gas, or cut down and burn forests.” Union of Concerned Scientists in the United States of America reported (UCSUSA). To this day, we continue to hurt the ecosystem, a most recent example would be the pipe burst in the Gulf of Mexico. An oil pipeline exploded and set our ocean on fire. It blew up, and suddenly there was a fire pit in the middle of the ocean, one similar to the fire pit in our stomachs ready to erupt as the U.S government told us it was just another natural disaster. 

There is only so much we can do. We have destroyed our Mother Earth, and now She is at Her breaking point. We are human beings. We live with one another, donate to those in need, stand up for one another, rescue animals, and welcome them into our arms with love. We are the most intelligent beings on Earth, who have created a world full of dreams, but to be able to continue building, creating, we must take action. We must understand and come to terms with the “greenhouse effect” that our big corporations are causing. We will continue to learn and teach the causes, and the effects of climate change, and how we can decrease the negative impacts on our society. Finally, we must use and form of communication to help save all animals, all ecosystems, all humans, and most importantly our planet for a possible future.

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