Amazon Rainforest Essay Sample

📌Category: Environment, Nature
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Name a place where the scarlet macaws caw, the snakes slither, the jaguars roar, and caterpillars inch accompanied by many little creatures and critters all at once. You guessed it! It is the reputable Amazon rainforest. When you visit, you will gladly be welcomed by the green basilisk lizard, invited to dinner ( better said as the dinner) by the Amazon puma, and you will end the day by a ride on the Victoria Amazonica (giant water lilies) at no cost to you. So hop on to learn more about this breathtaking area and its 700 million animals!

For starters, the Amazon rainforest, better known as Amazonia or the Amazon jungle is an immense, sweltering tropical rainforest with its whereabouts located in multiple countries in South America, which are  Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname—and French Guiana(french territory). It is a vast and species rich biome with you name it;plants, birds, mammals, insects, and microorganisms. There are even a million indigenous people belonging to 350 ethnic groups that are currently living there. Though holding these many residents is no challenge for the Amazon jungle as it covers a ghastly 2,300,000 square miles.

But of course, the flora and fauna end there because the Amazonia’s fate has beheld the curse of arson and destruction all throughout its life. Logging, hunting, and/or altering the area ( habitat degradation) has constantly made Amazonia more flammable. A shocking 17% of the forest has been destroyed over the last 5 decades! There has been an ongoing streak of wildfires from 2019-2021. Though the question about who’s to blame still remains steadfast. So far, the most agreed upon answer is the cattle industry with the fashion industry following not too far behind at second place. It is truly heartbreaking for nature enthusiasts all around the world like myself to be rubbed in the face with such harsh statistics.

On a slightly positive note, the catastrophes in the Amazon rainforest are actually getting some awareness from the film industry. Movies such as Embrace of the Serpent, The Emerald Forest, and Anaconda have taken the box office by storm. Amazonia is exceptionally popular among tourists; it gets 700 million visitors per year! The Amazon rainforest has been getting the attention it deserves from the world by being constantly named the most popular rainforest by society all over the world.

This beautiful forest  is constantly making headlines. Sometimes positive, some worrisome. Individuals worrying abouts is state can be brought to relief by the government’s constant laws made to protect the rainforest. One such law is the Amazon Forest Code which states that farmers of all kinds can purchase land in the amazon jungle but can only farm ⅕ of it to decrease deforestation. For myself, I have been checking its state of affairs for the purpose of writing this essay but have decided to continue to do so on my own time on websites like NewsELA and National Geographic and others with more information and less pointing fingers and propaganda. So, ever had a place you never visited that felt like home? Perhaps a place you wanted to visit? A place you heard about a lot and were interested in? For me, the answer to all of the above is the one and only; Amazonia.

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