Essay Sample: Electric Vehicles Are Better for The Environment

📌Category: Environment, Science, Technology
📌Words: 396
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Some people say that electric vehicles are a step in the wrong direction, but they are really a step into the future. A new generation of technology that will forever change the way we live for the better. There are many upsides to electric vehicles. But in particular, I’d like to focus on how it makes the environment a safer and cleaner place to live and breathe. 

Electric vehicles do not take gasoline which means that there is no production of carbon dioxide coming from the car when driving. This reduces air pollution astronomically because of the non-existing exhaust. As said by the scientists and researchers in at EDF, “Put simply, electric cars give us cleaner streets making our towns and cities a better place to be for pedestrians and cyclists” (“Benefits”). As statistics prove from the company EDF, in the timespan of a year, electric vehicles save about an average of 1.5 million grams of CO2. I personally would like to live in a world were you can walk outside and smell the fresh, crisp air and not have to worry about how the air might affect me. Another type of pollution is noise pollution. Many people do not know that noise pollution is a big issue. Noise pollution can happen in many ways including airplanes, factories, and, you guessed it, cars. The noise from all the cars together makes up a lot of noise that can affect the well-being of humans and animals. As said from an author with The New York Times, “The Environmental Protection Agency confirms that noise pollution is harmful to your health” (“Noise”). Noise pollution can increase blood pressure, irritability, anxiety/stress levels, and intense headaches. This can also cause a lot of long-term issues for humans such as brain damages, hearing problems, and communication issues. 

I am aware that some people would make the argument that the battery in an electric vehicle is a bad idea because to make the batteries, a material to make Cobalt must be mined. However, to counteract this argument, electric vehicle batteries can be reused in different way. They can be repurposed for homes as a storage device and can also be recycled to make something entirely different. This way, these materials do not go to waste, no matter the reason. As you probably know, other countries are producing electric vehicles just like us. Everyone can obviously tell how great of a product this is. Electric vehicles are a step into the future and other counties can see that too. I guess the real question is do you?

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