Mexican-American War Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Americas, History, History of the United States, War, World
đź“ŚWords: 378
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 29 July 2022

The US did not just invade the land that was originally mexico's but rebelled. They did not follow the regulations and instead followed their own 'Manifest Destiny' based on faith. They brought slaves and did not meet the demands of the Mexican government. Even through efforts to invite them onto the territory they rioted against Mexico for the land they did not own.

The United States, in an effort to expand the land, invaded Mexican territory. They chose to not only push back the original border at Nueces but to also threaten Mexico by annexing Texas into the colony. 

The US invaded Mexican territory and annexed land that Mexico originally founded and took over. Once Texas converted into a state of the US, Mexico thought of it as a declaration of independence. Mexico protected the disputed land by attacking General Taylor in the disputed land between Rio Grande and Nueces river. The Anglo-Saxon took over and colonized this territory as a part of their own and soon California was to be taken over as well.

Mexico was rebelled against by another colony in their own land. They were open to foreigners occupying this land. There was an effort put into convincing Americans to move into the land. Mexico did have several requirements for settlers to be able to live on Texan land such as converting to Catholicism and to be anti-slavery. American settlers, mostly aware of these regulations, still came onto this land and refused to follow Mexico's ways. They were pro-slavery and a seperate part of the christian church. Americans did not like how Mexico implemented their religion and beliefs and attacked them.

On May 13, 1846 America declared war on Mexico. After accusing of Mexican troops attacking Americans on newly annexed land, president James K. Polk fought for the disputed land and the entire state as a whole. This was unnecessary as both countries would have agreed on a treaty or put the land on hold until tensions wore down. Instead the conflict was resolved with war. 

Although the United States declaring war for Mexico's territory was unreasonable, this statement helps show how even great countries during their expansion will do almost anything in the name of honor or beliefs to harm other countries for land. The US did not need to declare war, but in order to take over Texas officially it had to challenge its original owner. Even through open greetings do colonizers only intervene for land.

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