Mandatory Vaccination in Canada Essay Sample

📌Category: Canada, Coronavirus, Vaccination, World
📌Words: 492
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 July 2022

In Canada we are a first world country, which is known to have free will. Forcing a vaccine on others will be going against everything we stand for as a Canadian government. In the Charters of Rights and Freedoms section 2 it states, “Everyone has the fundamental freedoms freedom of conscience and religion freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly; and freedom of association”. This means that every Canadian has the right to feel safe while practising  their religion. The Canadian government forcing others to receive the vaccine breaks the charter of right. Many people have decided to emigrate to Canada as it is known as a safe place to live. But it’s disheartening to hear that the government wants to discredit people’s beliefs for a vaccine. By forcing vaccines not only will it go against the charter of rights but also the human  rights code. In the human rights code it states that “Everyone should have access to the same opportunities and benefits, and be treated with equal dignity and respect, regardless of their religion”. The government forcibly implying a vaccine implies a breach of both the charter of rights and the human rights code, invalidating the beliefs of others. 

All around the world there are many different people and everyone’s body is different from the rest. Forcing everyone to receive the same vaccinations and expecting the same reaction  is something that isn’t realistic. We already have many mandatory vaccines in Canada but there are some people that have allergies to some of them. In the year 1985, a plaintiff's daughter received the measles vaccine as part of the Quebec law. Unaware of the side effects that would occur to her, she was later hospitalised for many months after contracting a viral infection. This caused her to be permanently paralysed. This proves that not everyone reacts the same way to a vaccine. Even though only 1 in a million people have an allergic reaction, there are many reactions that can still occur that aren’t as severe. Others might state that why not inform the government that you are allergic to a chemical in the vaccine, but there are times where the people will not be sure that they are allergic. Just like the case in 1985 with the plaintiff’s daughter she was unaware of the reaction that the  vaccine would cause. 

In conclusion the government can’t force people to receive the vaccine. As it goes against a lot of the laws that we have in Canada, that are in place to keep the country in order. The human rights code of religion is being violated. The charter of rights or freedoms section 2 about beliefs are also being breached since Canadians aren’t able to freely practice their religion. Secondly there are many people who have to be egisemte from taking the vaccine because of medical allergies. Allergies to a vaccine can either be as severe as death or as minor as a minor headache and cough. Finally the government can’t forcibly vaccinate everyone since it goes against many things morally in our law system.

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