Illegal Immigrants in the US Essay Sample

📌Category: Immigration, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 465
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

When a person illegally immigrates to a different country, that means that they have gone to a different country without being a citizen of that country. Illegal immigration has been apart of lives since the early 1900s.  Everyone has their own opinion about illegal imigration my opinion is that if you really want to get out of the country then you should be able to do all the paperwork and documents to become a legal citizen of that country you want to go to. 

As of 2016 The United States has the most illegal immigrants of 10.7 million people which is 3.3% of the United States population. 50.9% undocumented immigrants were from Mexico, and 20.6% of all undocumented immigrants resided in California. Now having all of these people coming here means that we are having to produce more crops and produce food because they need to eat which is costing the U.S. way more money than they are actually paying to buy it in the market.

What does it mean to be an undocumented immigrant? It means they don't have the official paperwork that allows them to live in a new country. When immigration through legal channels is too expensive, complicated, or slow, or when the situation is too desperate, people are often left with this option. Many children go their whole lives not knowing that they are living illegally because their parents haven't done the work to get them legalized in the country they are in.

Most of the illegal immigrants are hispanic and as a teenager you hear all different kinds of things either from your parents or the news but mostly social media for instance when Donald J. Trump was running for president. He was talking about building a wall and using Invasion. Aliens. Killers. Criminals. To describe the illegal immigrants in the U.S. Now when you hear those words out of a supposed role model most people will agree and then it goes to social media. All of his supporters will agree and then it spreads because of the words he used.

I look at the whole situation as if my family was living in a poor country and did not get all the food and clothes needed to survive. I would want to live in a different country too but that doesn't mean you should do it illegally. Do the paperwork and pay the fees. Not only is that the right thing to do but then you don't have to hide, you are able to live freely and not worry about ICE coming into your buildings and homes. If ICE would take you then you are right back where you started. Also Donald. J. Trump using those words to stereotype a race that is coming over is not only wrong it is racist. Our border control needs to make our borders more controlled but they probably shouldn't use too much force because when doing that they are just gonna wanna come back and try harder to get through.

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