Should abortion be outlawed in the U.S.?

📌Category: Law, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 631
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 April 2021

There is a debate on wether abortion should be outlawed in the United states. One side of the argument believes that abortion should be outlawed in the United Staes. The opposition believes that abortion should not be outlawed in the United sates.Abortions should be outlawed in the untied states, dependency does not determine the value of life, Life begins at conception, abortions are not medically nessacry, & rape and incest are not reasons to abort a baby . (Source 1)

A main reason why abortion should be outlawed is because dependecy does not determine the value of life. The fetus or unborn relies on the mother. New born babies are just as dependent as the unborn babies are. Viability is a measure of a child’s dependency.Independence does not somehow confer dignity and rights on a human being.So if both newborn and unborn babies are dependent on the mother for survival. What makes others think it's okay to kill an unborn baby?

But ironically, killing a new born is seen as murder? In conclusion, the meaning of life is not defined by dependence. (Source 9 & 10)

Life begins at conception and abortions are not medically nessarcy to begin with.The process of life within a human being is fertilization. According to princeton edu, and pro “upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced”. Even in the most high risk pregnancies there is no reason the life of a child must end directly and intentionally through an abortion procedure.There is a difference between a living organism and “clumps of cell”.Modern technology can detect the baby’s heart 18 days after conception.When life begins at conception there is no longer a statement  that life begins when you are out of the womb. Abortions is not whatsoever a medical procedur for highrisk pregnancy. (Source 2,3,4)

Finally Rape or incest is not a reason to abort a baby.To be specific less than %1 of all abortions are due to rape or incest. Abortion empowers criminal activty. Abortion does not give women the healing they need after rape.All human beings are equal. That's why killing disabled, sick, or deformed people, whether in the womb or out, is unjust and ableist.However the unborn child should not be punished for the fathers crimes. Blaming the innocent party (which is the baby) for the guilty party's crime (the rapist)  is logically inconsistent. Abortion does not give women the healing that they have experinced because of rape.The united states believes in equality for (meaning human beings ) and scientifically speaking the embryo or fetus is considered a human life. ( Source 5,6,9,10)

This debate continues to be controversial.Many states have passed “the heartbeat bill,” where if a heartbeat is detected, abortion is illegal. However, there are other states such as New York, that have passed laws for the baby to be aborted minutes before birth.Having an abortion leads to emotional distress, negative feelings or mental health problems . Murder is illegal in all 50 states, with no restrictions,Why is killing a baby any different?

Works cited 

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