The Impact of COVID-19 Essay Sample

📌Category: Coronavirus
📌Words: 566
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 July 2022

Every day our lives are drastically changing whether we realize it or not, this change may happen slowly or happen in the blink of an eye, just as the coronavirus did. Coronavirus, also known as covid-19, made its first appearance in China and soon spread around the world at an extremely fast pace. This virus not only took millions of lives but had a major effect on the lives it didn’t take. Coronavirus mostly took elderly lives or people that had weak systems, which left younger people to deal with the major changes that spread and soon got bigger like wildfire.

Many around the world were affected by the major changes that striked around the world because of Coronavirus, this included teenagers or more specifically younger people in general. These changes caused schools to close, restaurants and many other public places to no longer be available to the public.  Schools closing may have excited many tenagers at the time but soon became the major cause for increasing depression rates and even suicide rates. But how did schools going fully remote have a huge effect on teenagers mental/emotional health? Because of schools closing many had to stay home, this especially included tenagers. Since schools were closed, students couldn’t learn, so 90% of schools around the USA went remote. Although this helped the students to continue school, it soon had a huge impact on their mental health. Remote learning was soon introduced as a new way of learning, this also confused many students because schools started using apps like Google classroom and zoom. This confused many students because these were very unfamiliar apps. This soon resulted in grades dropping and mental health following with it. 

Many different things were introduced as normal things when coronavirus hit such as wearing masks everytime you go out, or not being able to attend certain events without a vaccine. Soon everyone was used to these new laws, although both younger and older people had to follow them, it was unfair for the younger people. The older people were born earlier when the pandemic didn’t exist which allowed them to live a better childhood with fond memories of their childhood, but with the children now a days experiencing this pandemic, don’t get to live a normal childhood as the they may have if the pandemic hadn’t hit or don’t get to have as much fun as the older people may have in their childhoods.

Because of the coronavirus many people, especially younger people, started using social media more. Social media is best off avoided, especially with younger audiences this implies to tenagers as well. Over the pandemic people have been unable to go outside unless they had work, this left the younger people to tend to their businesses at home. But staying home and having school as the only entertainment resulted in the younger people becoming weary of this constant world that they now lived in. so in order to please their hyper needs, soon everyone started using social media more. Social media as was mentioned earlier can be a very dangerous place, especially for its younger audience. Because of social media sucuid rates have sparked, considering that younger individuals are starting to use it more, this is causing people to spend more time on social media. 

In conclusion Coronavirus, or known as Covid-19, has had a huge impact on many individuals, especially younger people. Over the past few years Coronavirus has caused many changes around the world, which were soon declared as a normal part of our everyday lifestyles. This had a major effect on both parties' lives and caused major changes that not everyone was able to adapt to.

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