Essay Sample on The Impact of COVID-19 on Teens

đź“ŚCategory: Coronavirus
đź“ŚWords: 701
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 11 July 2022

Every day, our lives are changing even if we may not realize it. But that change became more visible when Coronavirus took over countries at a rapid pace and before we knew it our lives had changed more than we’d ever expected. Coronavirus, often referred to as Covid-19 took the media by storm when cases started increasing rapidly. Countries around the world went into lockdown, schools closed and restaurants no longer became available to the public. The world became silent for the first time in a century. 

Although many people were affected by this, covid also struck many young people such as teens around the world. Teens are young adults in the age of state where they are growing and need a lot of physical activity to grow. Because of the pandemic, many teens stayed home considering schools closed so they didn’t have a reason to go outside, which had a huge impact on their mental wellness. Socializing is very important for all ages, we all need friends and need people there for us to talk to, considering the state of mind teens can develop with the inconveniences in their lives they especially need people to talk to. 

Many problems can also occur when teens are overlooked most of the time by many such as parents because of society. Now we all focus on ourselves and forget that once in a while checking up on people might help them get through the tough times we’re having now, and this does not only help them but even you. But how can checking up on others help you? As it was mentioned before we all need friends and people to talk to in general, without these types of people, many tend to keep to themselves which is horrible for mental health and results in sudden outbursts. Having people there to listen allows you to express your emotions and even feel a lot better about whatever the situation may be. Talking to people also helps you build a stronger relationship with your loved ones or anyone you're close with, such as your friends. Being there for others can boost teens’ social health considering because of the pandemic many have been home and rarely outside which had a huge impact on their social skills. 

Teens are growing pre-adults that need attention socially and mentally which often does not happen because everyone tends to focus on themselves more than others lately because of how much change the society went through because of Covid-19. Because of this lack of attention teens fall into depression. Which later leads to an increasing amount of suicides. But how can teens not getting attention socially or mentally increase suicide rates and cause depression? Because of the pandemic many have been home not socializing and spending most of their time on the media, the media as we all know is sometimes a horrible place especially for teens because many suicides are caused because of the media, because of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can mean many things such as getting made fun of for looks, personality, or anything in general. Teens mostly have the state of mind to have everyone love them and be adored by many and when this doesn’t happen and is instead replaced with rejection or bullying in general, it can get to not only teens but people of all ages. This isn’t talked about anymore because we all tend to focus on ourselves lately more than others because of the pandemic.

In brief summary, coronavirus,  often referred to as covid-19 has affected many people, but also had a huge impact on the next generation, teens.  Teens can be very emotional and hyper at times which is why they need attention and people to talk to, to let their emotions out once in a while. But because of the pandemic people seem to be forgetting to be there for others and we are all going through these tough times together, so it's important we help each other. But this is very overlooked and because of it is the reason there are increasing rates of suicides every day and also why their mental health is destroyed, with mental health being destroyed so can your physical health which is also resulting in more deaths as well. This is why even at tough times we all should understand that we are not the only ones going through it and it's ok to feel sad, once in a while being there for others can help not only the person but also you.

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