Argumentative Essay Example: Masks Should Not Be Required

📌Category: Coronavirus, Health, Social Issues
📌Words: 340
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 July 2022

Does wearing a mask for a while make you feel sick? I believe masks should not be required in all schools, instead an option for those that wish to wear a mask. Masks should not be required in all schools because they can trap germs and bacteria against their face, they can affect how students work and how good their work is, and they can cause low oxygen in their blood.

One reason I believe masks should not be required, instead an option, is that masks can trap a lot of germs against your face and in the mask. Germs trapped in a mask can end up with the mask being moldy. When you exhale, your breath is releasing moisture into the mask that is unable to leave. That can lead to a moldy mask. The moisture trapped against your face can also lead to your face getting a rash. Another thing to be aware of is something called toxic air. Toxic air is when you breathe in too much carbon dioxide, causing you to feel like you are going to throw up or even do so.

From my experience in a library, similar to a school, another reason masks should not be required is that they can affect how students work in school. One example is if a teacher is in front of the classroom with a mask on, very few if any students would be able to hear what the teacher is saying. The students that can’t hear the teacher could miss-steps to assignments or overall directions. Masks could easily affect students' work simply by making it so they can’t breathe. When students or anyone has a mask on, it restricts breathing. Restricted breathing can cause discomfort, and make it hard for students to focus, easily leading to missing steps or doing very poor work. If the students aren’t performing at their best, they most likely won’t get good grades causing them to stress out, and if a person is to stressed they can easily get sick.

My last reason for believing that masks should not be required, instead an option, it that masks can cause low oxygen intake, meaning low oxygen in your blood.

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