Reflection Essay Sample: How Covid-19 Changed My Life

📌Category: Coronavirus, Life, Myself
📌Words: 786
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 July 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many people across the world. However, the impact that it has had on everyone is very different. Covid has changed the way I view the world because it has made me appreciate people and experiences more and it has helped me realize that anything worthwhile requires hard work. While Covid has had negative and positive changes on my current life, it has only further confirmed my career plans and how I hope to contribute to society. 

First, Covid changed many day to day aspects of my life and thus taught me not to take anything for granted. Before Covid I had a picture and expectation of what High School would be like, Covid completely changed that. As a high school senior about to be a college freshman next fall, I missed out on many aspects of the true high school experience. Half-way through my sophomore year we went fully virtual/online for the remainder of the year. My junior year was a hybrid of virtual and in person and even my senior year was affected due to quarentines. Many other aspects of High School were also affected during this time including that ability to experience or participate in traditional high school activities such as sports, banquets, dances, and many more things. The positive side of this is I feel like I value and relish the experiences I did get more because of their infrequency.  

It is also these day to day changes that drastically changed my home life and affected my relationships with family and friends. This was mainly a positive impact because I have grown to love them more and more each day. During Covid, although I was home more, I got to see and spend time with my dad less. My dad is a UPS driver and his work hours greatly increased because of more people ordering things from online stores. My mom, who used to work in an office 5 days a week, now works from home. In order for my mom to work from home, we had to turn our guest room into an office. As a guest room, this was where I went to hang out when I was stressed or just did not want to be in my room. With that being taken away, as well as limited time outside the house due to quarantines I have had to find new and different ways to relieve stress. These are just some examples, not to include the loss of loved ones, that have made me value what I have and not take things for granted.

Second, through the day to day changes that Covid caused it also taught me that nothing worthwhile comes easy. With virtual learning it would have been very easy to give up on goals that I had, especially academic goals. However, due to my drive to make myself and my family proud I stayed focused on those goals, stayed motivated and got into the National Honor Society. While the fact that things felt harder could be seen as a negative, I feel it was beneficial for me because it taught me to value things in life. I now know more than ever that you have to work hard if you want to achieve something and you should never stop working until you reach your goal. 

From having a whole different high school experience to having to quarantine because I had Covid; my life has changed drastically over the past few years. With this being said, I had to become more focused and driven when it came to school because I knew it was gonna be a lot harder to do school online. 

The Coronavirus has not impacted my career plans. I have known since I was a little girl that I wanted to go into the medical field when I grew up. I have always had a passion for helping people and have always looked up to my grandma who has been a nurse for 37 years;  I aspire to be like her. Due to lack of medical certificates and licenses I felt mostly helpless during this pandemic and I want to be able to help if we experience another pandemic or other medical emergency. This motivated me to take my Certified Nursing Assistant State Exam in November of 2021. With this certificate I can now .  

Although Covid did not change my general career plans it did give me more time to figure out exactly what I wanted to do in the medical field. I would love to become an anesthesiologist or neurosurgeon. 

To conclude, the Coronavirus has changed my life in many different ways. I have had some positive changes in my life due to Covid and some negative changes in my life because of Covid. Having experienced this at an age where I will be able to remember everything that happened, I look forward to the future and know that if something like this ever happens again, I would be ready to help in an instant!

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