Persuasive Essay Sample: People Should Not Be Allowed to Keep Pit Bull Dogs

📌Category: Life, Pets
📌Words: 390
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

There is a lot of stigma around people owning pit bull dogs. It is believed that the pit bull is too aggressive of a dog to be around people, especially children, comparatively it is the handlers that are to blame and not the dog itself. In this report you will see that it is the humans that create the aggressiveness in the dogs. Through mishandling, discrimination and being unknowledgeable, they prove they are not capable, therefore should not be allowed to keep pit bull dogs.

The humans behind the dogs are more at fault. Any large breed of dog can be trained to fight and cause damage. If someone chains a dog to a post and taunts him regularly, then puts him into a fighting scenario, that dog will attack to get himself free of the danger he is in. It is the mishandling by the human that creates the aggressiveness and causes that pit bull to react instinctively. Their environment molds their future being. 

As humans, we find ourselves living in a world of discrimination. Be it the color of one's skin, their sexuality, or even societies, social standards we are confined to, we are all discriminated upon in one way or another. It is no different when it comes to dogs. Dogs are discriminated upon for their size, strength and demeanor to name a few. When a large dog attacks and kills, it is labeled an aggressive breed. Not an aggressive dog that came from a bad home, but a bad breed. This discrimination has given pit bulls a bad name causing humanity to set them up to fail.

To know and understand the pit bull is the best chance that breed has at a positive life. When the handler does not comprehend the demeanor or the triggers of a pit bull, that can cause an unfortunate chain of events. The handler should be able to read the body language and identify the trigger before the situation escalates. Without proper training for the handler and the pit bull together as a team, how can that handler ever understand and prevent the aggressive behavior.

People should not be allowed to keep pit bull dogs. Pit bulls are an aggressive breed and unless their handler understands their needs, they can cause more harm than good. It is not the dog that is to blame, they were created to be a strong determined breed. It is the humans behind the breed that cannot control them, therefore should not be able to keep them.

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