Essay Sample on Importance of Computer in Our Life

📌Category: Life, Science, Technology
📌Words: 339
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Imagine waking up and checking your local weather prediction on your computer. Oh no! You find you don’t have your computer! You no longer have your main technology that gives you information. Without your computer, you miss that it is supposed to rain today, and don’t bring an umbrella. If you had your computer to check, you might’ve stayed dry.

Many companies conduct business on their computers. We all send emails, write papers, conduct business meetings, read articles, etc. on our computers. Without them, we no longer have a large screen to work on. We are limited on what we are capable of doing. Computers are a daily use for most people. Business workers' entire jobs can be on a computer. Students use their computers in the majority of their classes. For example, in my classes, I get assigned homework on my computer. Without it, I would be forced to do my homework in a more complex way.

Computers are where we get most of our information. We read websites, articles, and journals online. Many people use the internet on their computers too. With this technology, people can share their ideas and findings with the world. It is true that the internet is on other devices, but people need their computers to do their most efficient work. Computers allow for things to be easily downloaded to the internet or directly into the computer itself. It has easily accessible ports to insert things like cameras, smartphones, flash drives, and other forms of technology.

Typing on a keyboard is so much more effective than on a screen. You have all of your key options directly in front of you, meaning you don’t have to change your options all the time. Computers also allow for an easy way to access all of your tabs. They make it easy to have many things open at once while still running at a high speed. Computers have a ton of storage, which makes it easy to have all of your data in one spot.

In conclusion, computers are essential in the average person’s everyday life. We as people use them everywhere. From our offices to schools, home to the car, and many more places.

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