Being An Occupational Therapist Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Career, Health, Life, Medicine
đź“ŚWords: 738
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 06 August 2022

Occupational Therapy helps people accomplish mobility or functions, by using therapeutic daily activities. Occupational Therapists need to have traits, such as patience, optimism, creativity, observance, and adaptability.   Occupational therapists must have problem-solving skills because they must adapt themselves, tasks, and environments for the patient. Occupational therapists, depending on the area, are more commonly found in school settings. They tend to work with children with disabilities or working with injuries to the forearm down. On the other hand, they can work with adults who are suffering from physical or cognitive disorders and the elderly in the nursing home. 

Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapists assistants work hand in hand but have some differences. Occupational Therapists need to go to school for four years to obtain a master's level degree. Whereas Occupational therapist assistants need to go for two years to obtain an associate degree. Occupational therapists work individually with patients, by assessing and creating a treatment plan for their clients. COTAs work under the supervision of the OT and use the plans written to perform the exercises. Now, assistants can alternate the exercises to accommodate the patient with the approval and help of the occupational therapist. When changes are made and approved, the OT needs to document the changes. Communication is a must between the two, since they have slightly different responsibilities everything must be discussed and understood.   

Personally, I have always had the drive to go into an occupation in medical. Once I did some research on Occupational therapy assistants, I knew it would be a great fit for me. Ever since I was little, I always strived to make sure others around me were well and taken care of. Having this drive, I will be able to dedicate it to my work, because with my patients I must know they are comfortable and healthy. Another trait I have is being attentive to others around me and their concerns. As a student and someone who wants to be an OTA, this will help me achieve being a good listener and letting my patient know that they will always be listened to. Being caring, hard-working, and easy to work with, are other aspects I have. Another trait I have is accountability, I believe this is a major aspect because OT and OTAs work hand in hand meaning they need to trust me. Throughout high school, I took medical classes like medical therapeutics, medical terminology, and sports medicine which was a major help in picking OTA. These classes gave me perspective into medical and how specific occupations work. When I was 13, I had hip surgery, where I had to have a pin placed in my growth plate following that I had to do PT. Now I know PT and OT aren’t the same, but I felt how it was to be a patient in a vulnerable situation. Knowing I had trustworthy doctors, and knowing they wanted to help me was comforting. This is what I want to provide for my patients and others around me in OTA. With strengths, always comes flaws and that’s with everyone. I think one of my biggest weaknesses would be that I get hyper-focused on tasks or take tasks that could be shared or delegated between colleagues. I tend to do this at my  job I am at right now, I take too many tasks instead of delegating and splitting up. Another weakness I have is standing my ground for myself around my colleagues. In a new place, I tend to have trouble speaking up or saying my opinions about things, which will make me seem quiet or kind of in the background of everyone. 

Occupational therapy assistants appealed to me because they are like puzzle solvers. A very complex but creative job experience. Also, they can work with people of all ages, and in different settings such as schools, hospitals, or private clinics. I’ve always wanted to work in medical and to work with kids, with this occupation I can do both. I’ve always wanted to study phycology, and with OTA it’s almost a mental game with patients. Most people have lost confidence in themselves because they can’t function like others around them, especially younger kids. So being able to find ways to restore function, while getting them confident in themselves is a big reason I want to go into OTA. Being able to use creativity for therapy, makes it fun especially for kids, which is another motivation to join OTA. Personally, being able to see my patients grow and get stronger while being able to have fun is a major plus. Lastly, I like the direct involvement I will have with my patients and their day-to-day lives. I know Occupational therapy assistants will offer me challenging and fulfilling work on a daily basis.

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