Career in Physical Therapy Personal Essay Example

📌Category: Career, Health, Life, Medicine, Myself
📌Words: 480
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

Every physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, or Pre-PT student has distinguished reasons for embarking on a career in rehabilitation. Although every motive to join the profession is valid, current and future therapists are intrigued to pursue a career in rehab for platitudinous reasons. Many of these reasons include having a strong affinity for science and anatomy, aspiring to help others that suffer injuries, or having gone through physical therapy themselves and seeing profound improvements in their traumas. Alas, I too fall into these categories for becoming interested in this profession; however, what inevitably established my decision to pursue a career in physical therapy was observing how much of an impact it had on a beloved family member. 

During my adolescent years, my eldest brother had unfortunately fallen ill and endured a variety of health complications. One of his health issues detrimentally impacted his voluntary neuromuscular movements. Unfortunately, my brother's condition exacerbated to the point that carrying out functional activities became arduous. His increasing struggles required him to seek ongoing assistance. In addition to losing his physical capability, my brother's mental health started to deteriorate as well. All too frequently, my family felt a sense of disheartenment that my brother would never manage to make any recovery. After months of thorough research and seeking recommendations from an extensive number of doctors, my family was fortuitous enough to discover a phenomenal home health physical therapist who holds a strong background in neurological disorders. The physical therapist was able to accurately diagnose my brother's neurological disorder, which in a sense was the key to unlocking the doors that rehabilitation offers. In addition, she utilized her profound knowledge of therapeutic services to challenge him to push through his rehabilitation exercises. Although we started seeing progress, these initial successes were nothing more than steppingstones to reach a final goal. Throughout my brother’s time in physical therapy, I watched the many challenges and triumphs he endured. Listening to all the progress made as well as assisting in the home health exercises was truly captivating. After many months of therapy, my brother continued to progress through his rehabilitation and began to perform his at-home exercises with more ease. Moreover, I noticed that he began to complete a growing number of daily activities with little to no assistance. Although it took an ample amount of time, my brother was eventually able to regain function in his voluntary movements and his life began to gain a sense of normalcy once again. Compared to how he was before therapy, I believe that my brother has made a complete turnaround in his mental and physical health. He continues to make strides and progress in every virtue of his life. For example, he has regained his confidence to perform more advanced activities such as driving his car and attending college; something that seemed unattainable before therapy. Ever since I was able to witness the impact the therapist made unfold before my eyes, I made it a purpose to pursue a career in physical therapy. In addition, I have yearnings that I may have the opportunity to assist other families in similar forlorn situations we once were in.

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