Personal Essay Sample: My Tragic Flaw

📌Category: Feature of Character, Life
📌Words: 275
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Oedipus, Macbeth, Walter White- all characters that would have achieved greatness had it not been for one distinctive, pivotal trait. One… tragic flaw. While my weaknesses extend beyond a single trait, there has been one that has hindered me repeatedly and I believe is most likely to result in my downfall if not addressed. My tragic flaw is my shyness. 

A notable incident of my shyness hindering me happened earlier this year, when applications for executive members of the Investment Club opened. I was initially eager to apply, because investing has been a great interest of mine and something I am passionate about pursuing. However, as I envisioned the interview, and how the role required commonly interacting with other execs, I grew anxious at the prospect and decided against it.

Another incident of my shyness was in tenth grade during Drama Class. Once, we were assigned a play I was very familiar with. When asked about whether I wanted to play the titular role, I refused. However, I was secretly willing, and it would have been an excellent opportunity to open up to my classmates and teacher.

I fear this tragic flaw will harm my goal of being involved in business, a field that requires a plethora of social interaction. I’m already shy around classmates I’ve known for years, so how could I go up to a stranger at a social gathering and network?

Despite all of these events, I’m determined to overcome my introversion. Like others, social skills can only be improved with practice. While I can take the extra step in order to socialize more, the part-time job I’ve started will also help normalize these interactions. Perhaps an aspect of my introversion will always remain with me, but I will not let it become my tragic flaw.

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