Career as a Military Officer Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Career, Government, Life, Military
đź“ŚWords: 520
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 17 July 2022

The leadership and responsibility that comes with serving as an officer in the United States Army is something that can not be taken lightly or disregarded. Prospective military officers need to pursue those positions for the right reasons, they need to understand what their responsibilities as a military officer are, and know what society expects out of them as an officer.

I have served as an enlisted Soldier for over 15 years and have always aspired to become a military officer. I have severed under many great officers whose professionalism and devotion to duty was something I both admired and wished to emulate. I have served for over 10 years as a non-commissioned officer (NCO) and have led infantrymen from the fire team level to the platoon level. As an NCO, I have always acted as a servant leader where I focused on the growth and well-being of my Soldiers and as an officer I will continue to serve as a servant leader in all assignments. Leading Soldiers is a calling that I am drawn to, and I feel I can effect more change through transitioning to an officer career field. 

There is much to be expected out of military officers by society. The military is by far the most trusted government institution with 70% of Americans saying they had a “great deal of trust and confidence” in the military in 2018. American society expects a lot out of the military, and they look to the officers to be the ones who effectively train and lead the military. Society expects military officers to be the standard bearers who will provide leadership throughout the force, will always do the right thing and act with integrity, and with moral and personal courage. Additionally, society expects military officers to be disciplined, intelligent, well trained, and to possess the ability to achieve positive results both on and off the battlefield. 

Three of my responsibilities as a soon to be military officer include becoming proficient in my career field, act as a servant leader to my Soldiers, and always act with integrity. It is crucial for me to immediately become proficient at my job because if I am unable to perform my duties to standard then it will be impossible for me to lead others in that career field, I will lose credibility with my leadership and with my soldiers, and I will ultimately fail at my job. Acting as a servant leader is another crucial responsibility of mine as a soon to be military officer because they are the type of leader that is most effective and most likely to build a strong team with high morale and good unit cohesion. Displaying integrity is one of, if not the most important leadership trait for a military officer. Integrity means always doing what is right, legally, and morally even when no one is looking. Without integrity, an officer will not be trusted by their superiors or subordinates and will become ineffective and unable to execute their duties.

In conclusion, serving as a military officer is an honor and a privilege that should not be taken lightly. Prospective military officers must be accessed into those positions because they display attributes and abilities consistent with service as a military officer and because they have a clear understanding of what is expected out of them by their Soldiers, superiors, and by American society.

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