Persuasive Essay Example: Children Should Not Get Paid For Doing Chores

📌Category: Child development, Life, Personal finance, Psychology
📌Words: 391
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 August 2022

Teaching them to get in a habit without payment teaches them responsibility, by helping them with life skills.Giving kids an allowance has been a decision many parents go back and forth on should they or not.Centuries ago,paying a child to do chores wasn’t something parents even considered; it was expected of the children to help out around the house.However,it has become a lively debate among the parents.

Parents should not give their children allowance for doing their chores.Paying them to do chores undermines the importance of contributing to the household.Paying a child to do chores lessens their importance to the contribution of the household. Research shows that when children are doing household chores by themselves with good behavior and obedience ,they learn to offer help to others as they grow without expecting any form of monetary reward.https:?/ww.motherhood

To put it in a different way,it leads them to expecting to get rewarded for everything they do.Like for example,they will no longer think they get things after they have done a simple task,instead of taking in a simple thank you.

Rewarding children for chores teaches them to put finances ahead of personal relationships. According to some experts,money as a behavior reward doesn’t work because it finances ahead of personal relationships.Research shows that young children do not have the skills to handle money;if you pay a child to do chores without the skills to know how to handle ultimately mishandle the money and then still come to the parents for “ financial bailouts”.[ finances/articles/the pros and cons of giving kids an allowance] An allowance to kids may when they are not motivated to do their chores or when they don't need money, is  doing more harm than good.   

How do you get your kids to do chores without pay? Paying you kids to do chores will inspire them to work hard to earn more   and in turn teach great work ethics.Perhaps you can stay on the middle ground,where you put a price on the extra chores but everyday chores like cleaning off the dinner table or cleaning yourself are unpaid.

Research actually proves the point above.The famous 75 Grant study Harvard college looked at what childhood factors predicted adult health and well being ,and the number #1  was love. Another landmark study shows that chores will not only help with profession ,but with mental health.

Parents should not give their children allowances for doing their chores. Teach your children responsibility by contributing them to the family by not paying them for doing chores.

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