Personal Narrative Essay on Entrepreneurship as a Career

📌Category: Career, Experience, Goals, Life, Myself
📌Words: 1063
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 04 June 2021

Entrepreneurship is a long and tedious journey for those who wish to be successful and have the life they dream of; the tedious journey is one that I have always known I am up for. I have searched for the perfect occupation that would encompass all of my passions and views that I have for my future. However, when I learned that my passion was learning, I knew entrepreneurship was preeminent for me. Through my search for the ideal occupation, I found myself searching for jobs in which had no boundaries in how much one could improve. The career field allows an individual to acquire knowledge daily and never be bounded by limitations on autonomy. Along with my passion for learning, I found myself fascinated with business and the broad spectrum it provides. Entrepreneurship will provide me the freedom I strive for. I have worked tirelessly to guarantee I am prepared by possessing all of the important skills that an entrepreneur must have to succeed; I have worked hard to ensure I am currently prepared for entrepreneurship, along with setting specific goals for mid-career and what I hope to accomplish by retirement. 

Currently, there are many things I am doing to ensure I am successful in this career field. The field requires many personal skills and I work hard to strengthen these specific skills daily. Perhaps, the most important skill that an entrepreneur must possess is motivation. Becca Pike, a business coach and entrepreneur, explains that she became successful because she, “read a lot of books, listened to a lot of podcasts, became ‘obsessed’ with business, and then applied it to a real business.” Every entrepreneur I have questioned always gives me the advice to start learning about business now. Because of this advice and my avid motivation, I listen to business podcasts daily and read entrepreneur books in my free time. The more I read about and listen to business, the more I love it. Additionally, when I asked my grandmother, an entrepreneur, what the most important quality is for succeeding was, she stated, “The most important quality to succeed in a business is to always remain patient and always be on top of things. Success won’t come overnight. There will be countless problems that arise, and when they do, treat giving up as if it is not even an option” (Harper). I know that I will be prepared when problems arise because of my excellent troubleshooting skills. When working on a project, before I even start, I am usually already aware of all the possible problems that could occur; I try to always have solutions figured out so I am never caught off guard. Because I am prepared for the start of my career, I am confident that I will reach my mid-career goals.

By mid-career, I hope to be doing podcasts, working on a book, and coaching other aspiring entrepreneurs. At this point, I will have all the complications of my business figured out and have expanded my businesses in multiple areas. Because of all the knowledge that I will have acquired from my businesses, I will be prepared to give others advice. According to, to increase your chances of reaching your long-term goals, one must have specific goals, have measurable goals, remain positive, be realistic, and be flexible (How to Set Short- and Long-Term Career Goals). By having these specific goals in place, I am already more likely to succeed. The best way to pursue these goals is to first open a business coaching business, then once I have proven myself successful in business coaching and have built a somewhat large clientele, I will begin working on my podcast and book. The biggest obstacle in this plan is that I will be basing my business coaching in Kentucky. Many people in Kentucky are not aware of business coaching, but in large states, business coaching is a nonnegotiable for entrepreneurship. Pike, who is also a business coach in Kentucky, discussed this issue and stated “Managing my mind and knowing that all beliefs start with my thoughts has helped a lot. If I think that no one in Kentucky understands life coaching, I will have a much harder time signing clients. If I think that the two percent of Kentucky residents that do know about life coaching are plenty of people to help my business succeed, then I will attract that energy and those clients.” The key to achieving these goals is to have a positive mindset. The reality is that two percent of Kentucky’s population is more than enough to start a business coaching platform. Then once my business grows in Kentucky, I will start working and marketing towards clients all over the nation. A drawback in entrepreneurship is only a drawback if I allow it to be. By being successful in these goals mid-career, I will achieve all that I wish to achieve by retirement.

By retirement, I hope I have paved the way for other entrepreneurs with my tried and true methods. Looking back on my career after I have retired, I want to know I encouraged others to take the entrepreneurship path so they can also have the life they dreamed of. According to, the benefits of being self-employed consist of having the opportunity to do what you love, having more flexibility, and being able to cut certain expenses (Self Employment). The flexibility that comes along with entrepreneurship will allow me to make time for my family while still having plenty of money to supply our wants and needs. I hope to have inspired thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs and know that I truly made an impact on their lives. Today, many young adults are told that they cannot make a living out of what they love to do. My main goal is to not only show them it is possible but guide them through the process of becoming wealthy from it. Through my businesses, podcast, book, and business coaching platform, I will look back and know I inspired thousands of individuals to make a living out of what they love, all while making a living out of what I love: entrepreneurship.

Overall, entrepreneurship is the ideal path for me. I have always been passionate about it and I will only grow more passionate about it. From a young age, I knew what it would take to become successful in the career field and have worked towards it ever since. Entrepreneurship requires specific skills such as motivation and troubleshooting skills, which I currently have. By mid-career, I will have a successful business coaching platform; I will be tirelessly working on books, podcasts, and my businesses. Because of that hard work, I will look back after retirement and know I never allowed any obstacle to hold me back. The entrepreneurship lifestyle will allow me to do what I love while inspiring others and supporting my family.

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