Argumentative Essay Example: Children Should Get Money From Chores

📌Category: Child development, Life, Personal finance, Psychology
📌Words: 429
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 July 2022

With the money children get from chores, what do children buy with it? Maybe a toy, a game, or maybe some books! Children should earn money from chores because it is for rewards, it helps with financial literacy, and helps with motivation. Therefore, children should earn money from chores. 

Firstly, children should get money from chores because children will get rewards. If children get rewards because of chores, chores will help with positive reinforcements. In the article “The Great Chore Debate” it states, “Rewards are often used as a positive reinforcement in order to repeat desirable behaviors” So basically if you get rewards for doing chores, it can be used as a positive reinforcement to repeat good behaviors and good behaviors help get rewards. Also, rewards will also help with learning consequences. in the article “The Great Chore Debate” it states, “On the same note, consequences can be given by not providing money for not doing the task.” So, it will teach children that in order to get money you will have to work for it. Kids need to work in order to get money. All in all, children should get money from chores because of the rewards that get and learn. 

Secondly, children should get money from chores because it helps with financial literacy. Financial literacy helps with saving money. in the article “The Great Chore Debate” it states, “Financial literacy starts in the home. Children should be taught to earn money...” So, it helps children learn on how you can earn money. Another thing is because chores help with financial literacy is to be financially stable. In the article “The Great Chore Debate” it states, “There is no doubt that children who have skills to manage their money early are more prepared for becoming financially stable adults.” So basically, it means that children could get prepared to be financially stable in the future. And that they will be better adults. To end, children should get money from chores because it helps with financial literacy. 

Lastly, some people might think chores won’t help with motivation. but it does help because you can earn money for doing tasks! In “The great chore debate” it said it will not motivate children to do work and children will earn money. But who will not get motivated for money? Money is money and you do have to work for it. It will also motivate children because children might have their eye on your new toy and the only way they could get it is if they could do chores. Therefore, chores will help with motivation.

To conclude, children should earn money from chores because it is a positive reinforcement, it helps with financial literacy, and helps with motivation. Therefore, I think that children should get money for chores.

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