Personal Narrative Essay: My Sister

📌Category: Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 416
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 April 2021

The biggest influence in my life up to this moment has been my sister, Ilana. Throughout my entire life, from my birth onward she has continued being a blend of irritation, support, and compassion. Through my obstinance and hardheadedness, my sister has assisted me learn to live boldly and handle issues with stride. My sister has helped me with finding motivation, helped me with school, and has also been with me as I've grown as a person. Although my sister can be as frustrating as the rest, for the most part she is filled with determination, fortitude, and an amazing work ethic which is why I admire her as much as I do.

Just last year, as a more careless freshman prioritizing my social life over school, my sister was putting everything she had into graduating. Despite the looming stress and pressure of graduation, my sister would take time out of her studies to help me with my homework or explain a concept that I didn't understand. When I would make bad choices my sister would remind me to focus on long term achievements such as college. Despite many challenges, one of the greatest including COVID-19, she left home at 19 to go to university. This was one of the bravest things I've ever seen my sister do, taking a plunge into the unknown. Seeing my sister’s journey not only showed me how difficult life can be, but it also inspired me to become a better version of myself.

In addition to helping me gain success with education, my sister introduced me to some of my favorite games, books, movies, and TV shows. As long as I’ve known my sister she has introduced me to new experiences and shown me things that I would not have discovered otherwise. One of these things include my appreciation for music. My sister introduced to me many bands and artists that influenced me as a child. My entire childhood was led by songs introduced to me by my sister, many of which I still listen to on a regular basis when in need for motivation.

Although my sister is now in university, following her dreams with her career path, she still calls me very often to check up on me and make sure I'm staying productive. When I need help, we get into a call and she makes sure I understand confusing topics. I am lucky to have a sister who cares for me and helps me work through my struggles. These are just some of the reasons my sister is the main influence in my life, and although she is across the ocean, I hope to remain in contact with her forever.

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