Smoking Should Be Banned Persuasive Essay Sample

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 724
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 July 2022

Start successful or be in poverty, because the choices that people first make may change the life and people around them. For instance, for many people who start it can be hard to get over since it can become an addiction. The many people that do suffer have to go through hard relationships with others that are close to them, even if it was their best friend. It can also be very expensive and very risky to the person's self life and even their social life. Smoking should be banned because it can become very expensive and risky to one's health. 

Smoking is like the cost of an arm and a leg that people are willing to pay for so they can feed their habit, and they could brilliantly use it for other things that will be a benefit regarding smoking. From the article “The Advantages & Disadvantages of Smoking,” it states, “The website estimates that the average cost of a smoker’s habit in 2010 is $1,500 a year.” (Pell).  It is hard to think that people,  even ones under a certain age can get hooked on such a thing that can cost them a lot for how much money they have spent in order to feed their habit. Following this, Pell points out that people should spend more money on things that would benefit them, for instance, it states, “This is money that could be spent on healthy habits or even hobbies.” It also can be used for scholarships, degrees, and things that they would like that would benefit them to be a better person if acted upon to do so. Also if that person tries to stop smoking it could also help drop down the cost of health for their well being.

Risking to get one whiff of smoke is not the case, because it can change many things like social interactions, changes life and it can be fatal to one's heart. For many others it could have great effects on people who you know and the relationships you have with them that could be changed drastically. As from the article, it states, “There is an increased risk of a number of cancers, including cancers of the lungs, mouth, throat, cervix, kidneys, stomach, bladder and uterus, as well as leukemia.” (Pell). As this adds to the quote, there is an increase in death rate because it causes many types of cancers that can turn into effects of it being fatal. It also puts family friends and anyone that knows that person in a situation that they can not change after that decision is made. Furthermore, smoking can also be bad and very risky for women who are pregnant. From the article that explains this, it states, “Smoking during pregnancy retards fetal growth and causes an average reduction in birth weight.” (Gometz 33). If more women know about this, it could help them and let them know what it would do to them if they are aware. Gometz also said that the child could be premature which means the child might have to come out when it is not ready to be delivered.

On the other hand,  from many opposing views , some advocates say that smoking is a sense of calming relaxation. As from the article that has true claims, it states, “Some of the purported advantages include a sense of calm and relaxation during immediately after smoking a cigarette.” (Pell). Well at first it is really harmful to the human body and it could have more side effects. It can be debatable and in most claims, there are probably more disadvantages then advantages for it to be something to say that is true. Also it is proved of many side effects from the text, it states, “Smoking increases the risk of emphysema, heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.” (Pell). These are all things that can relate back to it being expensive and risky because no matter how much claimed advantages there are, there will always be more disadvantages to smoking.

In conclusion, Smoking should be banned because it can become very expensive and risky to one's health. It can be very expensive and that it is leading many individuals into a path that can determine their life based on what they spend to feed their habit. As far as risking goes, people can get cancer and suffer from it and eventually it can be fatal. After reflecting on the information that young people need to know, is that they can choose to be successful as long as they know the consequences of smoking. Support the banning of smoking, to help other individuals to recover today!

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