Essay Example on Vaping

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 671
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 June 2022

In an ad created by a national campaign, shows a girl vaping in the bathroom and she drops her vape into the toilet. Some people would not even dare touch a public toilet, but this girl puts her hand in the toilet to retrieve her vape. The lengths she would go for her vape could be considered an addiction, an addiction caused by the influence of social media. The world today is completely influenced by the internet, within the internet the most influential source is social media. Social media has dictated what society deems as cool and what is out of date. One of the biggest problems facing the youth due to social media is vaping.Vaping/the use of e-cigarettes is deemed by social media as a cool thing to do, so the number of young vapers is increasing. The promotion of e-cigarettes on the internet claims that it is safe and will have no consequences, but this is not the case and many of the young vapers are facing health problems already. Though e-cigarettes are popular in society, they cause damage to the lungs causing them to swell and blacken just like cigarettes. There are no health benefits to vaping, vaping can lead to lung disease or even death. The damage vaping causes to the body is pretty regretful. 

 To begin with, e-cigarettes have been marketed as a safe alternative to the average cigarette, but they’re not that many differences between them when faced with the health risks both impose. E-cigarettes are actually more dangerous than the average cigarette because of the average user being young and still in the stages of early human development. In an interview conducted by the National Public Radio, the story of Piper Johnson, a high schooler, is told in which Piper was sent to the ER due to vaping(How Vaping). She was facing breathing problems due to a lung disease caused by the use of e-cigs. Mental health problems also arise with the use of vapes such as addiction and an increase in the chance to develop brain disorders like ADHD (How Vaping). Overall many risks come with vaping and being a young person. The damages caused by vapes in teens will continue to follow them into adulthood, that is if they even make it there. The scariest risk that could occur with the use of e-cigs is death. 

Though the damage that e-cigs is severe it is still popular in the teen world. Many middle and high school students see vapes as something that makes them look tough or cool. The availability of these devices also plays a role in the popularity of them. In an audio recording published by the National Public Radio, a high school student named Will is interviewed by Elly. Will started using e-cigarettes in his sophomore year of high school. The vapes were easily available to him all he had to do was go on School). Devices like vapes are so easy for teens to obtain since no one is stopping them from checking the yes box if the question “are you 18 or older” is asked. Accessibility contributes to the popularity of these e-cigarettes since no one is stopping teens from purchasing a device for their consumption and even their friends. Some students have realized the popularity of these harmful devices, so they do not bring their own because someone on campus will have one to share(High School). Also vaping is not just attached to one group of people everyone is doing it from athletes to nerds(High school). The continuous increase in popularity that these e-cigarettes are having will affect the growth of the newer generations as long as they exist and that is just the sad truth.

The people who chose to stop using e-cigarettes find themselves in deep regret which makes sense because the people who quit usually had something terrible happen to them for them to realize that it is time to quit. Bringing back the story of Piper Johnson, after her incident in the hospital where she was put in the ICU and was in great pain, she decided to quit using e-cigs. She quit and did not know why she even started vaping(How Vaping). Having a near-death experience is the breaking point for most teen smokers to quit, then they regret vaping in the first place.

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