Persuasive Essay Example on Why Healthcare Should Not Be Free

📌Category: Health, Health Care
📌Words: 627
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Healthcare is a big issue in the U.S. and it affects many people that live there.  Most people think it should be provided by the government so people don’t have to worry about paying for it.  While everyone is so concerned about their lives no one even considers that healthcare being free would affect way too many lives to even count.  

Healthcare being free would overall just ruin the economy.  In order to even have healthcare there needs to be money to pay for all of the medical machines and tools to determine what is wrong with patients. Studies also show that “The all-payer system relies on an overall healthy population, as a greater prevalence of sick citizens will drain the “sickness fund” at a much faster rate”. Say someone comes in with an injury, the hospital won’t have the proper technology machines to actually tell what is wrong and how they can make it better.   If they can’t tell what is wrong with the patient then why is there even a hospital?  Also without patients paying for their care, which goes into the hospital they won’t be able to pay off the bills to keep the building open.  So basically without the right amount of money and income there will be no healthcare.  

Healthcare has been around since 1750 when it all started with hospitals.  Since then you have always had to pay for the care that you get because the people that help you put in hard work hours in their days just to keep you safe.  All of the healthcare facilities around the U.S. need people to work there.  That hasn’t changed since then.  If the employees are not going to get paid what they need then they would have no reason to be there.  Sure helping people is the point of their job but if they are not making money for their time and labor then they are not going to be able to pay off their own taxes and bills.  People work so that they can pay for what they need to live, including a house, food, water, clothes, etc.  If healthcare was free there would be no way to pay the doctors, nurses, receptionist, etc.  If they are not getting the salary they deserve and need to live then they would probably want to find a new job so they can provide for themselves and if they have families.  What are the healthcare facilities going to do if there is no one working there to help and care for people?  There wouldn’t be any hospitals or urgent cares with not enough  workers.  So at this point free healthcare would be useless to the country and the people in it. 

A lot of people can’t afford health care when they really need it and they would probably be homeless if they had to pay off their medical bills, but that is exactly what jobs are for.  I think I am right that Healthcare should not be free because there are so many employees and doctors that work so they can live. If healthcare is free the doctors and nurses won’t make enough money.  Why should the employees suffer because people can't afford to pay their bills. 

Overall free healthcare sounds nice, but when you think about the outcome and what will happen overtime it gets you thinking.  You can’t rely on the government for everything, sometimes you need to take responsibility and work for what you want.  Free healthcare is just going to make the country worse.  Life is not supposed to be easy and you're not supposed to get everything handed to you, there are going to be challenges and you need to work through those.  Why are we not thinking about others and what would happen to them?  We want to make the U.S. better, not worse, so make it better.

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