The Importance of Napping Research Essay Example

📌Category: Health, Health Care
📌Words: 652
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Did you know that the National Heart, Blood, and Lung instate states that, "Some people sleep more on their days off than on work days. They also may go to bed later and get up later on days off." When you take a nap most of the time you are tired and need to rest your body. For example, people whose sleep is out of sync with their body clocks (such as shift workers) or [is] routinely interrupted (such as caregivers or emergency responders) might must pay special attention to their sleep needs. In the article i am writing about i talks about napping and why its important. So naps should be allowed in school. The napping article is written by The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute in source one. 

This is the paragraph were im gonna talk about why its important to sleep. In the article the authors wrote, "Some people nap as a way to deal with sleepiness. Naps may provide a short-term boost in alertness and performance. However, napping doesn’t provide all of the other benefits of night-time sleep. Thus, you can’t really make up for lost sleep." That's why sleeping at night and going to bed on time is so important because if you don't you cant get back that sleep. Did you know that your supposed to stay off you technology for ten minute before going to bed. It apparently helps you sleep better.This is the paragraph were im gonna talk about why its important to sleep. In the article the authors wrote, "Some people nap as a way to deal with sleepiness. Naps may provide a short-term boost in alertness and performance. However, napping doesn’t provide all of the other benefits of night-time sleep. Thus, you can’t really make up for lost sleep." That's why sleeping at night and going to bed on time is so important because if you don't you cant get back that sleep. Did you know that your supposed to stay off you technology for ten minute before going to bed. It apparently helps you sleep better.

After that paragraph you realized what i'm writing about so inn this paragraph i want to tell you about How it increases your productivity if you get enough sleep. In the 3rd article i read it states that, "Humans are one of the few species that do most of their sleeping at night. Introducing a catnap into your day may be very helpful. In fact, studies show that taking a short nap after learning new information may help you remember that information better!" I have really bad memory and i just learned maybe part of it could be from not getting enough sleep.Do you have a similar problem?If so you should get more sleep and drink more water cause its good for you and maybe you'll end up being a genius all because you got more sleep.I want to share an experience that i had. In this paragraph i will be telling you something that happened to me. That night i got about 5 hours of sleep and to add on to that i had morning basketball practice. I was exhausted and i had basketball practice that night at 7;30-9;00. So i couldn't get much sleep that night either. I was bout to fall asleep in every class i went to but finally i got home and took a nap and i woke up a little tired. Then i got ready and was fresh and ready for my other basketball practice. Did you know that ,"Many celebrated historical figures and modern-day successful stories rely on the art of napping to restore their minds and bodies when they're feeling fatigued. " I read this in a article created by Alena Hall.That's why naps should be aloud in school and why i encourage them. I this essay i stated many reason but the one big one is Strong scientific evidence shows that our brains benefit from a brief period of actual sleep (a nap), not just a quiet period, to recover from fatigue and to help restore alertness. Both short (15-30 minute) and long (1.5-hour) naps can increase alertness. During the daytime, a brief nap is recommended.

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