Importance of Nutrition and Eating Right Essay Sample

📌Category: Food, Health
📌Words: 513
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

There were many health problems brought up throughout the whole movie. The main problem was childhood obesity. There was an increased amount of overweight children. 1 out of every 3 kids are overweight in America. A big contributor to that problem is the food industry. Unhealthy, sugar full foods are way cheaper than healthier lean low fat foods. Unfortunately, many people can't afford the more healthy foods, so they purchase unhealthy food. Kids can't control what is being fed to them, nor can they control what their parents buy. 

Everyone can improve and better their nutrition. Even if it is as simple as eating less sweets. I can better my own nutrition by eating healthier, drinking more water, and trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. I personally do not make the best nutritional choices all the time. I need to work on eating healthier so my body can get the nutrients it needs and not just sugar. I usually drink around two to three water bottles a day, which is good, but could be better. Drinking more water carries many benefits including, flushing bacteria from your bladder, helps maintain skin hydration levels, and delivers oxygen throughout the body. I think I get enough of the other food groups, but I don't think I eat enough fruits and vegetables. Eating more fruits and vegetables would help me balance my food groups and become a healthier me. 

At my school I could better the nutrition of the students by encouraging them to make good food choices at school. In school we get two to three breakfast and lunch food options to choose from. Encouraging students to choose the healthier breakfast and lunch options would better their nutrition because the healthier choices are going to give them the energy they need to get through the day and not feel tired. Choosing the unhealthy choices would make them feel fatigued and drowsy, which is not in their best interest and is not going to help them stay focused and learn. Another solution would be to suggest students bring their own food to school. Schools might not offer the most nutritious foods, and students bringing their own ensures they can get all the nutrients and food groups they need. A final solution would be to encourage students to eat breakfast and or lunch. Most students don't eat at all during the school day at all. Students need to eat so they can have energy and learn. 

To make a difference nationally on nutrition would not be easy. I would write a letter to our congressperson or senator. I would write about how school food is not nutritious for students. Writing a letter to someone with that much power could really make a difference in nutrition because they have the authority to take it above them. Another thing I would do is create an organization. The organization would help raise money to bring nutritional foods in schools. The organization would sponsor schools and bring them healthy food for the students to eat. 

In conclusion, nutrition and eating right is very important. We need to give our body the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function properly. Everyone can work together to make the world a happy, healthier place. From your school, to the whole state, you can make a difference in nutrition.

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