Argumentative Essay Sample on Why Vaping is Stupid

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 933
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 16 July 2022

I am here today writing a 1000 word essay on why vaping is stupid. I am in this position because of a vape. A few reasons vaping is not smart is because it is a waste of money, has negative effects on your health, and for anyone my age, it affects brain development. So not only is vaping stupid but it also makes you stupid. You might be thinking, if it is stupid then why do people do it? People vape for two reasons. Reason one, they have this idea they are going to try a vape, so they go and use one. They then like the “buzzing” feeling and use it more. Reason two, now that they are past reason one and their tolerance is high, they don’t feel the buzz anymore and now they're using vape because they’re addicted. Vapes also cause depression and anxiety for some, so now you are addicted to something that is making you depressed and anxious and you will feel that way until you quit. Quitting is difficult for many, there are physical and mental withdrawals that make it very difficult to quit vaping. There are things out there you can buy to help you quit nicotine but now you are spending more money on something you wanna quit.

Vaping is stupid because of all the money you lose. The average amount of money that someone spends on vaping a month is 75 dollars. In a year you have spent 900 dollars, that could be this month’s rent or even the new ps5. In a decade you have spent 9000 dollars on something that doesn’t benefit you but hurts you and more than half of that 9000 dollars is now wasted because you do not even have those vapes anymore, you will have used them all. Might as well throw the paper in a fire and inhale that smoke, that is basically what you are doing. It is definitely not smart to get into vaping if you are a kid, not even making money because you can’t even afford it so after that one vape your not gonna be able to get another and now you feel bad because you are addicted. Now the rest of your life is stealing money from your family and friends so you can get another to feed your addiction. Now because of the poor decision that got you into this situation, your friends and family are losing money.

Vaping is stupid because of the effects it has on your health. Vapes produce a number of dangerous chemicals including acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. These dangerous chemicals can cause lung disease, as well as heart disease. So you are now broke and need medical help for your lung disease but you can’t pay your medical bills because you spent all of your money on getting yourself into the hospital. Vaping also causes lung cancer and asthma. If you have a future in sports or a future in breathing at all, vaping can put an end to that promising future of yours. Compounds in vaping are the same compounds found in a car exhaust, however it won’t taste like those compounds because when you hit a vape you are tasting the diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease. The food and drug administration has never found a vape to be safe or effective in helping smokers quit. These are only some of the negative health effects vaping has, the long-term health effects have not been discovered yet so you are taking a big risk by vaping. 

Vaping has many effects on the brain too. Vaping affects the development of the brain, this makes it harder to learn and concentrate. So I guess it can be assumed that vaping leads to failing school or getting poor grades. Some of these effects on the brain are permanent and can affect your mood and impulse control as an adult. You are never going to get a girlfriend or a boyfriend if you don’t know how to act and can not control yourself. So it can also be assumed that vaping can ruin future relationships or opportunities. Just a quick recap, after getting addicted to vaping you are now broke, mentally challenged, lonely, depressed, anxious, and ill, any of your hopes for sports are now out the window. Vaping can also lead to drug use, you like how that first buzz feels, then you end up wanting something stronger, now you are hooked on super hard drugs and if you thought quitting vaping was difficult then the chances of you quitting whatever drug you are doing now is very very slim.

In conclusion, vaping is very stupid and can lead to much worse problems in your life, you hit the vape once, you feel great so you keep using it and keep buying it. Now it no longer feels good anymore so you decide that you are going to quit vaping but after one day you realize that you need it, now you are constantly spending your money on it, and when you run out of money your gonna have to find a different way to get it because you already know that you can’t quit you decide to steal money to get it. Well after a while of going behind your loved one’s backs now you’re sick and you can’t walk for more than a mile without feeling like u can not breathe at all. You find yourself in the hospital, feeling guilty because you stole from the ones that cared for you and you feel depressed and anxious because while all this is going on you are still vaping. One day your body can’t handle it anymore and that’s it. While this might sound like the worst-case scenario, there is a chance it could be your reality. So next time you go to use that vape or your with some people trying to “prove yourself”, understand the risk and why it is not worth the outcome.

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