Fast Food Cause Obesity Essay Example

📌Category: Food, Health, Obesity
📌Words: 507
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 June 2021

Did you know fast food restaurants are the leading reason for obesity? Fast food has been proven to be severely unhealthy, grease alone has severe affects when consuming it regularly. Children require a healthy balanced diet to have a healthy body less susceptible to sicknesses. Besides that, fast food does not have a lot of nutritional value. Furthermore, it’s even more unhealthy for children to consume fast food due to their nutritional needs. Fast food restaurants should be held legally responsible for the rise in obesity in children. 

It is a known fact that children need more calcium than adults for their bones to solidify and grow strong. There are some fast-food restaurants that provide milk beverages, however, there are not nearly enough fast-food restaurants like that. Many fast-food places have burgers on their menus which alone are not unhealthy. The buns provide a sufficient amount of grain, the average meat patty provides protein, the cheese provides dairy, and the lettuce and tomato supplies vegetables. However, fast-food restaurants don’t usually have burgers as a meal alone; a large soda and fries are also apart of the meal. All together with the burger and fries fried in grease filled with fat, and the large soda infested with an unapologetic amount of sugar, the meal is not appropriately healthy for the average person let alone a child. Portion sizes are also a humungous issue in the fast-food industry.

Portion sizes are another component that adds to why fast-food is deemed as unhealthy. Adults obviously require a larger portion of food compared to children, so, why are children being fed adult portions. Fast food industries make more money with the slogan ‘more food for your buck’ which has set in place a disgusting and unhealthy mindset. The fast-food mindset is unhealthy to implement into the young minds of children. Not only are portion sizes a relatively large issue regarding fast-food, but also nutritional value. 

Sufficient nutritional value is beyond important for growing humans. Children need meals with healthy ingredients that will help them grow and prosper. Not only do balanced and nutritional meals help children grow, but consuming healthy ingredients makes the body stronger and less susceptible to sicknesses and diseases. Another unhealthy component to fast-food is grease. Grease has been proven to have significantly bad effects on health, yet we continue to feed our children food that has a large amount grease in it; fast-food. Fast-food is cheaper than the normal healthy meal, not to mention the accessibility and easy access to it. However, fast-food is still unhealthy, and something needs to be done about the rising rates of obesity in children. The damage that has been done to children’s diets is unacceptable and irreversible. Fast-food restaurants should be held legally responsible for the severity of obesity in children. 

The severe affects of fast-food has finally caught up with us, and children are a major victim. Portion sizes and lack of nutritional value are the two leading reasons for why fast food is so unhealthy. These can have lasting affects on the body, and children are suffering despite that being a fact. Obesity is a serious issue, because of the fast-food industry. Fast food restaurants are responsible for the health issues involved with their food, and they should be legally responsible as well.

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