Impact of Junk Food on Health

đź“ŚCategory: Food, Health, Health Care, Human Body
đź“ŚWords: 1132
đź“ŚPages: 5
đź“ŚPublished: 24 April 2021

The most tasteful snacks you love might just have a reduction in a load of junk foods that may vary your health complications. The number of unhealthy snacks in the world has affected people who are obese and unable to control their health concerns like diabetes or heart diseases. People only prefer eating sweetened beverages, cookies, and cakes to eat every day which are young adults or mature adults who are not cautious of their calories. When placing destructive toxins in our body can cause a major effect on physical appearance which may risk unexplained weight gain or inflammation in our body. The main objective is to spread awareness to improve the use of junk food and encouraging people to choose healthier options regarding the side effects of harmful products to the market. Many food companies tend to place chemicals in food products which tax proposals have addressed the problem was caused by obesity or health concerns and the government should conduct more knowledge on the side effects. The idea has migrated around organizational groups of specified types of food and there are more likely to expand the possibility of diabetes or heart rates, which the unhealthy food taxation has raged over the past several years. The revenue contained in junk foods could fund against advertising healthier snack choices or even exercise equipment which would be efficient leaning towards losing weight. Those alternatives could perhaps change the mindset of the government financing in structured food development and adaptable health guarantees. Fatty foods should be taxed because of the cost of unhealthy foods, the chemical processing in foods, and obesity. Williams 2 Especially, People are cautious of their health, realizing what they eat and the taxation on junk food has negative effects. The taxations on junk food have been increasing in the pricing considering the products that contain sugar, high sodium, or high calories, which the taxes can promote people to consume less and improve their nutrition and health. The cost of unhealthy foods is implied to have cost more than healthier foods depending on how their dieting will happen. The article about Mirror states, “Sugary snacks are almost invariably more expensive than apples, pears and oranges. An 80g serving of crisps is four times more expensive than an 80g portion of banana or broccoli” (Stoppard). Many choices of junk food for snacks carry heavy sugars, which a box of animal crackers likely costs more than three times of four whole apples at the grocery store. The people love to shop for unhealthy foods which the food manufacturers create more to place in stores which the more profit the companies make. The construction of producing the snacks to sell for a higher cost compared to low-calorie snacks which have a small percentage of sugar and sodium. The costs of fatty snacks have a drastic difference in buying fruit and vegetables, but the cost of fast food is highly expensive when you go out to eat every day. The better option of junk food and fast-food would-be fast food, but, the cost is both a huge difference. The article “Haida Sandwich” states, “Fast food and junk food are not synonymous with each other. Many people are confused between them, and they avoid healthy food options because of this confusion. Not all fast food is unhealthy” (Sandwich). The understanding between the differences, especially costs, but, the unhealthy choices affect your body. The healthier choice would be fast food because of the menu options of salad or Greek yogurt, but, it would not cost more in junk food in percentage. Williams 2 Furthermore, chemical processing has not been aware to most people considering that chemicals placed in foods are the process of how the food is made. The process happens through food manufacturers that create our food to be placed in stores. For example, when mixing a cake mix and putting it into the oven is a form of the chemical process. This means their mixing different foods which is mixing different chemicals and our food is made up of chemicals. The processed foods are major towards obesity and there are toxic for our body, including saturated fats, added sugar, and salt. The article of Medical News Today states, “One large study, involving more than 100,000 adults, found that eating 10% more ultra-processed foods was associated with above a 10% increase in the risks of cardiovascular disease, coronary, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disorders"(Smith). Most of the chemicals stored in processed foods are contained with the fat protecting the organ and liver, which is a common fact that stores in our body. As humans, we can only hold a certain amount of nutrients our body’s that makes us grow and develop which pertaining protein, minerals, and carbs holds our body weight. Those health issues destroy many bodies from the nutrients needed, and it will be a struggle for individuals who are not able to eat what they can because of their conditions. The devastating segment of processing foods is of meats are being injected by hormones in foods that cause people to gain weight faster. From “Web Medical” article states, “Injecting hormones into young livestock can make them gain weight faster. More weight means more meat, which means more profit for the producer. Hormones also increase the production of milk by dairy cows” (Hoffman). Most of our bodies need meat for protein, but, the injections have generated more weight, unlike individuals that are easy to gain weight towards injecting meat. Williams 2 Moreover, the biggest issue of the taxation on fatty foods is concerning health conditions which are the main effect on why certain individuals encounter different side effects. The other issues, including diabetes, heart, disease, blood pressure, and respiratory problems which are severe concerns of what unhealthy eating does to our bodies. The food that we eat all contains nutrients which the unhealthy ingredients will lead to unexpected weight gain to ultimately heavy obesity. Junk food is portioned towards the average body weight of a human meaning the bigger portions you eat is how obese you will become. The millions of people in America that have spent all their life, eating unhealthy foods that will have some sort of depression of why they eat that way which the cause could be stress eating. It has a huge effect on different people with eating unconsciously could hurt their heart pressure in certain aspects. The article from ‘’Medical Tourism states, “It was shown in research by McCullough and his colleagues at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan. They retrospectively studied 111,000 patients who suffered a heart attack. It was concluded that average age of first heart attack was 74.6 years in people with normal weight while obese people suffered a first heart attack earlier, at the average age of 58.7 years”. The outburst of numerous people having heart defeat has likely faced a traumatic stress stage in their milestone of life which is an important situation. In conclusion, imposing the tax on junk food and fatty snacks would be a retrogressive policy towards the government. The costs, the chemical processing in food, and obesity are major to think about when choosing to eat junk food for the rest of life. There are alternative options for encouraging people to live and eat healthy throughout their lifestyle which is important. The result could be worse about unhealthy alternatives.

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