Essay Sample on Importance of Eating Banana

📌Category: Food, Health
📌Words: 991
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 July 2022

At least one banana a day could potentially improve your health. Bananas are believed to have originated 100,000 years ago, and it is believed by scientists that they may have been the world's first fruit. This fruit is considered to be a berry even though it can be both sweet and salty. They were first introduced to the Americas in the 16th century by Spanish missionaries and throughout time have become popular because of the many ways they can be used. Bananas are one of the most important food because they are recommended by doctors; they positively affect the economy, and they can be consumed in many ways. 

Bananas are important because they are recommended by doctors. It has been proven by Laura Flores, a San Diego-based nutritionist that one banana can provide 10% of your daily fiber requirements. She mentions that the skin of a banana is loaded with potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. Studies by the researchers of the University of Alabama have shown people that who load up on the mineral have up to a 27% lower risk of heart disease. Bananas are full of valuable micronutrients, especially potassium, which is one of the most important electrolytes (essential minerals) in the body. The potassium in bananas helps regulate the fluid balance and heart function which helps manage blood pressure, meaning that just by eating a banana you can prevent heart diseases and strokes. The resistant starch in bananas also has a prebiotic effect, helping to fuel the gut bacteria so they both increase in number and produce beneficial compounds called short-chain fatty acids. The chain of fatty acids aka fiber helps feel full and reduce bloating. Also, because bananas are rich in fiber often when people have troubles with their bowel movements doctors recommend increasing their fiber as an alternative to other drastic options. Bananas not only improve your health but just by eating one a day you can improve your lifestyle drastically, not many foods can provide as many health benefits that a banana which makes bananas valuable.

Other than being a healthy option bananas also positively affect the economy. According to Sarah Maria Schmidt am a scientist that specializes in plants they are number four on the list of staple crops in the world and one of the biggest profit makers in supermarkets, making them critical for economic and global food security. In the US, the price of bananas can vary from $0.22 to $1.73 because they produce a lot of fruit per plant and the labor required to collect that fruit is much less than other fruit. Its affordable price makes it available to anyone, meaning that it is not restricted to only a certain group of people and if someone were starving and only had 0.50cent they would still be able to afford a banana. Bananas also provide income and employment to rural populations. Because of its popularity, there are lots of supply/demands and with an increasing number of demands, the employment rate also increases, in the rural areas, because of the availability of space and workers. In rural areas, people tend to look for easy and averagely paying jobs and the production of bananas fits the criteria because it requires less labor than the staple crops. Without bananas many people in the rural areas would not be employed which would affect the economy, bananas are important they not only provide health benefits, but they also provide an income. 

Bananas can be consumed in many ways. They are some that are sweet that we can eat raw, and others are also known as plantains that are much thicker and can both be sweet and salty. A banana can be eaten raw as just some fruit or with toast and Nutella or peanut butter, with cereal, etc.…  While plantains to be consumed have to either be cooked, fried, baked, boiled, they can also be incorporated into a meal in a soup or stew, as a side dish, or with scrambled eggs. Plantains are part of the fruit/banana family, but their texture requires us to do more steps to be consumed than a regular banana. Unlike bananas, plantains can be eaten with a salty dish regardless of if the plantain is sweet or salty itself. Some people like to have a variety of options when eating and bananas provide just that. Bananas are very important there are countless things you can eat with a banana; you are not just limited to one flavor or one side dish. It is one of those foods that you can actually get creative and still be confident that it will taste amazing not many foods have this aspect which makes it even more unique and important.   

Some might say that bananas are not important. They say this because other fruits are much more impactful than bananas. They are wrong because bananas are loaded with valuable micronutrients that benefit our body and just by eating them we improve our lives. Its price can vary from $0.22 to $1.73 and the small amount of labor that it requires because it produces a lot of fruit per plant makes it accessible to everyone as a meal and an income provider for both the people and the country's economy. Some are sweet that we can eat raw, and others are also known as plantains that are much thicker and can both be sweet and salty. A banana unlike other food is limitless in the ways you can consume it, no matter your culture it can still be incorporated into any meal. This proves that bananas play a major role in our society today, they improve health, provide employment, and can be eaten in many ways. 

Bananas affect everyday life beyond their role as a basic necessity through cultural, psychological, and social influences Because of the increasing demand/supply for bananas our economy is constantly growing. We can learn that there are many different types of bananas and that they all can be consumed in different ways, we can also learn that eating at least one banana a day can improve your health and prevent heart problems, and we can also learn that bananas play a major role in society. This is relevant because people might have bananas at home but have not thought of how it is impacting their society and the limitless ways it can be consumed or its health benefits.

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