Essay Sample about Vanilla Ice Cream

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 351
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 July 2022

Why not vanilla ice cream? Vanilla ice cream is the utmost best cream in the world. Vanilla ice cream is the best because it can enhance so many other desserts and pleasures your brain.

The International Dairy Foods Association states, “Vanilla has long been the best-selling ice cream flavor not only because it is creamy and delicious but also because of its ability to enhance so many other desserts and treats,” said Vice Principal Cary Frye (❡3). This is true because it blatantly explains the beneficial reason for vanilla ice cream being better. Within reason, IDFA proves that vanilla is best-selling for its texture and it can imply the fact that vanilla itself into other treats-making so many creations. Your brain receives pleasure from its versatile taste. Julie’s Cafe Bakery asserts that “Vanilla ice cream is usually considered better than chocolate ice cream. More Americans prefer vanilla rather than chocolate ice cream because it is soft and creamy.”, said Author: Laura (❡2). Will you look at that.. vanilla ice is more preferable. This supports the real reason vanilla ice is best-selling. Why doubt it? 

Perhaps chocolate ice cream is more appealing to taste because of its satisfying smoothness and glossiness. However, vanilla ice cream has much more versatility; that’s why it makes chocolate taste better. From paragraphs 2 & 3, the writer stated that “Vanilla is versatile and dynamic and can be included in every meal of the day… vanilla enhances the flavor notes of chocolate, without which it would be dull and a little flat.” ( This proves that vanilla itself is above all multifaceted; having chocolate by itself seems bland. 

Vanilla ice cream is the utmost best cream in the world. My argument is stronger because chocolate ice cream doesn’t have different accents than vanilla ice cream. We can never compare chocolate ice cream to vanilla ice cream. My fellow people, vanilla ice cream isn’t just ice cream. It’s the Crème de la crème. After reading this, you should, enjoying, share, and promote vanilla ice cream. This argument’s major importance is to convince and inform others about the sweet texture of vanilla ice cream and why you should not reject it for any other ice cream flavor. Vanilla ice cream is the best flavor and no other flavor can top it.

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