Why People Should Eat Meat Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Food, Health, Health Care
đź“ŚWords: 448
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 23 April 2021

Nowadays there are hundreds of debates considering going vegetarian, avoiding meat and the consequences it has on our health. Many belive the sancity of all life are against all forms of animal cruelty and that eating meat is unhealthy. However does it have as big of an impact as we think.

According to Katharine Milton “The inclusion of meat in the ancestral diet provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that, when combined with high-calorie low-nutrient carbohydrates such as roots, allowed us to develop our large brains and intelligence.” This is why many of us continue to eat meat and think it's necessary to live just like our ancestors and that it might harm us if we avoid it. People should avoid becoming vegetarian because meat has been an essential part of human evolution and health for over 2.3 million years.

Yes, eating plants has its benefits. There are hundreds of nutrients and phytonutrients and probably lots more in nature's glory. Plants are also loaded in many necessary minerals. However a diet avoiding meat and animal products has its drawbacks. Meat contributes to our overall health and contains vitamins not found in other products. For example vitamin B12 is only found in meat and helps make our DNA. Meat is also the most convenient source of protein available. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association states that “In one serving, meat provides all the essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein), as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Most plant foods do not provide adequate levels of all the essential amino acids in a single serving”(“Proteins Are Not Created Equal”). This clearly shows that our body needs these vital nutrients and will be malnourished if not consumed.

Humans are also omnivores and have evolved to consume even more meat. Evidence even shows that our taste buds evolved to crave meat's savory flavor(Mayell). Our ancestors lived off of meat and lived healthier lives than now. So why do many decide to avoid it? Meat was meant to be eaten by humans, and was given to us for a reason. The ancestral diet provided a dense form of nutrients and protein that helped develop strong muscles,bones and memory.

Although, many people believe that the human anatomy has evolved to support a primarily vegetarian diet and lowers risks for diseases. This is causing malnourishment to the body and will not function correctly if certain nutrients are not meant. Of course, we have to be careful and not consume too much of it  and all  processed meat but paired with a healthy balanced diet it will cause no harm. 

Let us start avoiding these restrictive diets and start living. We don't want to die early or get diagnosed with diseases. The lack of nutrients is only doing more harm. In the end living a healthy, happy and balanced life is all that is necessary. 

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