Causes of Obesity Essay Example

📌Category: Health, Health Care, Human Body
📌Words: 357
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 April 2021

There is a growing incline of obesity cases seen in the UK, excessive sugar intake may be one of the main causes for this increase.  Over consumption of sugar is regarded as a negative externality as the social cost of consumptions are greater than privet benefits. These costs to society can include loss of productivity due to immobile workers and absence from work by sickness. Fig 1 shows an over consumption of qso to q1 with an over production of pso to p1 displaying a misallocation of resources. A misallocation prompts a market failure as the resources are not effectively shared, causing a net welfare loss of ABC.

In spite of that fact that overconsumption of sugar is a large factor to obesity there are other aspects involved. Lack of exercise is also a key component to the illness, as “sedentary lifestyles” become more common. In recent years “there has been a significant drop in the amount of physical exercise taken” leaving the UK population in an overall lower fitness level. Exercise is a positive externality at the socially optimum point B with greater consumption benefiting society, however the current equilibrium lies on point C since there is a underconsumption of exercise q1 to qso. Reasons for this circumstance are less children playing outside and alternatively spending their time on computer games and the accessibly of ordering goods and services without having to leave your home. Furthermore, with reason changes general inactive leisure time has increased.

I could be considered that a under production of healthy food is the main market failure resulting in rise in obesity. Consumption of excess “carbohydrates other than sugar and fats contribute to obesity”, but these types of foods are extremely convent because of fast food places along the lines of mc Donald’s. A lack of whole foods available at this convenience results in less demand and therefore a continued less supply. Healthy food options would be a welfare gain to society if produced more. Fig 3 shows private costs being higher than social costs, a net welfare gain from an increase of production. However, there is currently a under production of q1 to qso where resources are being used ineffectively, for instance more in fast food chains, causing a net welfare loss to society consequently a rise in obesity in the UK.

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