Persuasive Essay Example: Universal Healthcare

📌Category: Health, Health Care
📌Words: 733
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 08 September 2021

Many countries offer universal healthcare however in the United States many pay for medical health insurance. For many years people in the United States have struggled to pay for medical insurance. Traditionally, the cost for everything was low and people were able to afford things such as medical insurance and the cost of living. With the rise on prices such as food and the cost of living many people must struggle to pay for medical insurance, people have debt and people are not enjoying life. With free universal healthcare people will have less medical debt, people can enjoy life and people can save money.  Free Universal Healthcare is better than private health care because people will have less medical debt, there will be healthier happy people, and the U.S. can work with other countries on making a system that works better for future generation.

Universal health care is a better option for everyone because it is less medical debt for people who cannot afford medical insurance. The healthcare costs in the US have been rising at a very fast rate during the last two decades. One of the causes for the rising costs is unpaid medical bills (Donghui, Zurada, and Jian 2014).  Another key concern regarding medical debt is Recovering bad debt has become a serious matter and may even result in hospitals suing patients (Donghui, et al., 2014). Universal healthcare can eliminate many medical debt and people can focus on living stress free without the worry about working just to pay medical debt. With universal healthcare people can focus on staying healthy without the medical debt. 

Moreover, Universal healthcare can lead to a healthier population. According to Zeiff, Kerr, Moore, and Stoner. (2020) The downside of universal healthcare incorporates people to pay first before receiving the care and the plan did not account for something. On the other hand, Universal healthcare may lead to a healthier population and in the future, it can help alleviate the economic cost from a population who is unhealthy. Another key is Universal healthcare will better facilitate and encourage sustainable, preventive health practices and be more advantageous for the long-term public health and economy of the United States Zeiff, Kerr, Moore, and Stoner. (2020). People can benefit when having universal healthcare. With universal healthcare and a better understanding people can have a healthier population. With Universal healthcare, the country will have more healthy people, in the future it can help the country with better economy and with more research it can help generations to come.

Again, understanding other countries when using universal healthcare can be beneficial for everyone in the United States. Nayu et. al. (2011) Found that People in Japan have a longer life expectancy at birth in the world. Japan's success in terms of the increased life expectancy of its population is unlikely to have resulted solely from the achievement of good access to health care. Instead, other cultural background factors might be involved (Nayu et. al., 2011).  Continuing to do research and learning from other countries can help better understand what is best for everyone. Because some countries have Universal health care, we can study on what works for them, how can we improve for generations to come and what can we learn from other counties in perspective of their healthcare system.

Lastly, many experts believe that with universal healthcare the United stated will have a healthier population. With Universal Healthcare people will accumulate less debt, save money for any emergency, and we can learn from other countries making a better healthcare for future generations. With universal healthcare we can have a healthier population in which we will have less debt and an open mind to a better future for generations to come. Universal Healthcare should be for everyone because without it, people who cannot afford Insurance will continue to accumulate debt, die from not having insurance and our future generation will collect debt from family members who are unable to pay. Working with other countries to better understand universal healthcare will be beneficial for everyone.


Donghui Shi, Zurada, J., & Jian Guan. (2014). A Neuro-fuzzy Approach to Bad Debt   Recovery in Healthcare. 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on, System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference On, 2888–2897.

Gabriel Zieff, Zachary Y. Kerr, Justin B. Moore, & Lee Stoner. (2020). Universal Healthcare in the United States of America: A Healthy Debate. Medicina, 56(580), 580.

Ikeda, N., Saito, E., Kondo, N., Inoue, M., Ikeda, S., Satoh, T., Wada, K., Stickley, A., Katanoda, K., Mizoue, T., Noda, M., Iso, H., Fujino, Y., Sobue, T., Tsugane, S., Naghavi, M., Ezzati, M., & Shibuya, K. (2011). What has made the population of Japan healthy? The Lancet, 378(9796), 1094–1105.

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